crazy hand - must vent

$100 max buy in .50/1.00 Pacific Poker

Just joined table about 15 hands in I get dealt in CO A9hearts and limp for $1 all fold to SB who completes and BB checks and the flops comes down A A 9 rainbow small blind leads for $2 BB calls and I call. Turn is a 10 SB checks BB bets $6 I min raise to $12 SB folds BB min raises to $24 and I raise to $50 and BB goes all in for around $100 and I call having him covered by $10. River is a 2 and BB turns over A 10 and takes down the $200 plus pot. Of course I am putting him on a an ace in the hand but just couldn't put him on a better full house. Any thoughts on this hand or were the poker gods not with me in this hand and I was destined to go broke?


  • destined to go broke ... when you have to put a guy on two exact cards to beat you it's tough ... they're were so many legitimate combinations of cards he could have pushed all-in with and only one that beat you.

    it happens, and if you could make that laydown ... you're on a poker plane way above everyone else
  • kalozdi wrote:
    $100 max buy in .50/1.00 Pacific Poker

    Just joined table about 15 hands in I get dealt in CO A9hearts and limp for $1 all fold to SB who completes and BB checks and the flops comes down A A 9 rainbow small blind leads for $2 BB calls and I call.
    i think you shouldve ReRaise on the flop Or maybe moved in
    but that's me cuz i'm confused:confused:and i play a game called BlackJack :tongue:
    kalozdi wrote:
    I was destined to go broke?
    most likely cuz the POKERGODS doesnt appear to be on your side :frown:
  • There was pretty much nothing you could have done. No matter what play you made after the flop he would have gotten his money in there with you.
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