2011 is almost over -- have you achieved your poker goals?

What were your poker goals for 2011? Making a certain amount of $$? Learning a new game? A trip to Vegas?

Did you achieve them?

What are they for 2012?


  • Mine were all related to poker writing.
    I wanted to break a million in combined thread, FB, print article views since 2009. I am confident I have.

    Wanted to break into top million one Alexa Rank on at least on project. Done.

    Wrote 2 covers in 2011, Buchanan and Canadian WSOP winners, interviewed all five (and the editor handled any grammar issues ;p)

    Wrote a feature for the WSOP edition, 80k copies in Vegas

    Played a $550 and $300, qualified through home games

    Got invited to Foxwoods by an ESPN spokesperson and partied with 2010 Nov 9, stopped in Montreal along way.

    Making this years trip to Vegas in 10 days

    All told profited about $5000 on it all plus a few hotels and bi, best I could hope for if I spent same energy on micros.

    So ya, happy with poker in 2011

    As for 2012, actually to write far less and play far more. I feel I have achieved and surpassed my writing milestones and along the way have picked up a few things through reading so many threads as well as now having a very good idea who to watch and learn from; online or live.

    A) play at least 3 home games a month.

    B) play in a Canadian medium limit, $200-$550 event by May

    C) Play a Venetian DS or RIO DS when I go to Vegas next.

    D) Surpass my largest single poker cash, roughly $1,350
  • I had 1 big goal and it was to play in wsop ME for first time, as it was first year I was of age.
    I also wanted to improve in Omaha, I did a little but not nearly as much as I wanted. Didnt put the work in at all.
    Obv some money making goals in there, I surpassed it and can only hope to do as well next year haha.
    I really would like to put time into learning both stud and omaha so I could play both at a higher level, but feel like I need like a personal coach for those.
    Also get to supernova, which I will by the end of the month.

    2012 goals are
    1)cash in a wsop event
    2)make day 2 of the wsop ME
    3)go to a new ept( done london and pca)
    4)get to 200kvips next year on ps
    5) win a live event with 100+ runners
    6) Get to 1mil in online winnings (currently at $725k)
    7) Final table either a scoop or wcoop event
    8) play my first omaha live event

    Thats a good start for now haha
  • 2012

    -play more ( have been playing more than I thought like the last 2 months, but still want to put in more games)

    -profit more

    - have a bigger bankroll and play on more than 1 site at a time.

    - go to wsop!
  • philliivey wrote: »

    -play more ( have been playing more than I thought like the last 2 months, but still want to put in more games)

    -profit more

    - have a bigger bankroll and play on more than 1 site at a time.

    - go to wsop!

    Those a very vague goals lol.
    Play more? how many games you looking to put in?
    Profit more? how much you looking to profit over the year.....what would you be happy with this time next year?
    go to wsop? Play in any events? or just be in vegas while the wsop is there?
  • Those a very vague goals lol.
    Play more? how many games you looking to put in?
    Profit more? how much you looking to profit over the year.....what would you be happy with this time next year?
    go to wsop? Play in any events? or just be in vegas while the wsop is there?

    It's a vague life mine is unfortunately:-[.

    As for wsop, most likely just being there would be good enough for me.:)

    As for more games, that's a tough one due to crazy shift I work and other things that I will be going through, but nothing extreme like prob what you guys are doing, something like 30-50 games a day but would love to get 100 games done in a week and see how close I get to the battle of the planets.

    as for profit, frig like anything really,lol Just enough to pay small bills or whatever would be thrilling for me ( HELP ME WITH THAT!;))
  • philliivey wrote: »
    It's a vague life mine is unfortunately:-[.

    As for wsop, most likely just being there would be good enough for me.:)

    As for more games, that's a tough one due to crazy shift I work and other things that I will be going through, but nothing extreme like prob what you guys are doing, something like 30-50 games a day but would love to get 100 games done in a week and see how close I get to the battle of the planets.

    as for profit, frig like anything really,lol Just enough to pay small bills or whatever would be thrilling for me ( HELP ME WITH THAT!;))

    You need to pick a game and study it. You aren't going to profit by playing a few games of one type then switching when you run bad, etc. If you want to profit online you really have to start posting hands and playing some volume. Join a coaching site -- they have tonnes of videos for all the games you like to play.

    You need realistic monthly goals and need to realize what a good roi is in the games you choose to play. Something like scoring in the battle of the planets shouldn't be in your mind right now. Getting a consistent roi with a certain volume should be.

    I have seen you floundering around the micros for years and saying that you want to make money at poker, but I don't see you doing anything to work on your game. You should be moving up in limits by now if you have put the time in and have worked on your game. The games are getting tougher so you really need to make a commitment to making money at them if that is your true goal.
  • I had 1 big goal and it was to play in wsop ME for first time, as it was first year I was of age.
    I also wanted to improve in Omaha, I did a little but not nearly as much as I wanted. Didnt put the work in at all.
    Obv some money making goals in there, I surpassed it and can only hope to do as well next year haha.
    I really would like to put time into learning both stud and omaha so I could play both at a higher level, but feel like I need like a personal coach for those.
    Also get to supernova, which I will by the end of the month.

    2012 goals are
    1)cash in a wsop event
    2)make day 2 of the wsop ME
    3)go to a new ept( done london and pca)
    4)get to 200kvips next year on ps
    5) win a live event with 100+ runners
    6) Get to 1mil in online winnings (currently at $725k)
    7) Final table either a scoop or wcoop event
    8) play my first omaha live event

    Thats a good start for now haha

    5) I really like and in my poker circle I am the only one left to do this. My friend Ron just did it, he had been plagued by 2nd place finishes even though he was CPT POY in 2008 and would have been again this year if was still a member.

    The rule is $100 bi or better, 100 players, NO Chops Count!

    You did this already at Venetian though???

    8) Would love to play a live Omaha, there is a small bi MTT here in Calgary I will try one day. Edmonton has a $550 in their tourney cycle and there is a 1k in February in Calgary if it interests
  • haha also won the one in ept london, but feel it is a good goal to win at least 1 every year.
  • Hmm...my 2011 started with a bang with some wins on Betfair and Gr88...topped by my biggest cash on Betfair (or ever, for that matter)...from there, life got busy. Two kidlets will do that.

    Did play my first live "series" in Edmonton, had a great time, finally met Jonboy..went home pretty much even after paying all the long weekend bills, so definitely a success in my books.

    Finished off the year the shits trying to get my numbers up on PStars...done nothing but bleed. My goal is to take my head out of my ass on that site and start banking some cashes...and not bleed them back like this year.

    Hopefully going to have time to play more in the New Year..will get back on Betfair and crank out some volume hopefully..but..we will see what life brings.

    Definitely gonna play another Edmonton series..and might even get to a Calgary one!
  • Well this was my first year of playing poker.

    I guess I accomplished my one goal of playing live once.

    Then again when I won an event.

    Unfortunately I couldn't take my bankroll from zero to a million I only got as high as 47 bucks...but there is still a couple weeks left.

    As for 2012...

    -I want to actually start taking the game seriously.. like really seriously..maybe read a book or two

    - Reach 10 PFC Home Game Wins

    - Hit first Royal Flush .

    - STOP being a mouse.

    - Actually become a winning player.
  • oh and as a goal on here... try not to kill so many threads...seems whenever i post in one people vanish.
  • Goals for 2011:

    - make $10k playing 2/5 and 5/5 - did not achieve it, although I had a nice first two months up $4k. Then variance bitch slapped me in the face.
    - play and cash in a local casino tournament - did not achieve it. Only got the chance to play one $500 GBH tournament in 2011, finishing 33 out of 110.
    - balance family life and poker 'life' - achieved it - stuck to playing live poker once a week. Although some exceptions while travelling. Most important goal IMO.
    - travel the world, playing poker - achieved it - got to play cash games in Bahamas, San Diego, LA, Las Vegas and London (UK) in 2011.

    Goals for 2012:

    - focus on playing mainly tournaments and less cash games.
    - play and cash in local casino tournament. Goal of $10k profit from playing tournaments in 2012 (although not yet 2012, played my first live tournament last week for a $1,700 third place finish).
    - Play WSOP or WPT event.
  • Goals for 2012:
    To adapt my online abilities to live
    Make at least 3 live top 3 finishes in $250+ events
    Play in at least two WSOP events
    Focus majority of my free time on improving my game
  • reibs wrote: »

    2011 Goals:

    1. $10K profit - PUKE! Had a very BE year overall. More below...
    2. Really focus on getting mentally prepared to play, not playing in front of the tv, not tilting as easy, etc - COMPLETE - Grind Station Set up in Dining Room as of Dec 1 - results are very positive so far! Wish Id done it sooner... Also tilt WAYYYY less now since playing more games at once
    3. Lurk the strat forums more - SATISFIED with this, but want to do this more.
    4. First $5k+ score - Didn't even get one 4 fig score this year :(
    5. Continue watching videos, re-reading/finishing books - FAIL
    6. Possibly find someone to sweat weekly sessions with - FAIL

    Ugh, this year was a big ugly fail for me. After making +$5k in 2010, I was all hopeful for 2011....:baffled:

    I started out the year being very unfocused and unsure of my game. Not sure if I wanted to play cash or sngs or mtts, etc. First two months played NL25, crushed for first 40k hands, got my ass handed to me for the next 40k hands to BE. So I dropped down to NL10 and did no better. Then decided I was an mtt hero. While I am up overall in 2011 in mtts, I def was no hero. I played less volume to focus on learning, and that resulted in me wasting a lot of time that I otherwise could have spent grinding my best games, 180 turbos. Black Friday did not really help either cus I found myself getting caught up in all the articles, etc and wasting even MORE time...

    I just got a small desk that fits in my dining room, so I am not grinding in front of the tv anymore. I also didn't keep up with training site memberships or read any books really. (I know I really slacked this year and it showed). I am now back on DC, watchin vids that apply to my games.

    So here goes...Goals for 2012

    1. Keep my DC (or other) membership all year and watch as many videos as I can that apply to my games
    2. Get in over 10,000 180man turbos.
    4. Get comfortable with more tables - target of 20 at a time by the end of 2012 (currently at 10)
    5. Get a coach in Feb - March for the 180s. Not 100% sure about this, we will see.

    Edit: forgot I am chasing my last $50 milestone bonus .... I think I only need another 250 vpp. Should get it late this week or early next week.
  • I was pleased with my poker game overall. I didn't reach all my goals....

    For my numbers, I didn't count my ME seat for winnings, and also didn't count it for losses when I failed to cash.

    I'll set up my 2012 goals in the next couple of weeks.
    T8urmoney wrote: »

    2011 Goals & Aspirations:

    1. Online Holdem Holdem Holdem.......get profitable already.
    Pass: Profit 5K online between Stars, FTP and Party. Also showed a profit on each site

    T8urmoney wrote: »
    2. 10K + score online
    Pass: Won 14K WSOP package (this is not included in the NLHE numbers)

    T8urmoney wrote: »
    3. 10K + score live
    Fail: Live tourneys were a massive fail in 2011, finished down $2100...largest cash being $2790

    T8urmoney wrote: »
    4. Play a WSOP event
    Pass: Played the Main Event

    T8urmoney wrote: »
    5. Play one+ non WSOP major event (WPT, NAPT, LAPT, EPT, etc.)
    Fail: Didn't even attempt any satties....

    T8urmoney wrote: »
    6. Start using a bankroll
    Fail: I give up on this one

    T8urmoney wrote: »
    7. My profit goal will be set @ 35K
    Fail: Up 20k online, down 2.1k live tourney, up 1k live cash = up 18.9k (unless I win the Sunday million this weekend)

    T8urmoney wrote: »
    8. Make November 9
    Fail: Would help making past day 1
  • I only really had one goal -- play more volume live and tie my best year grinding cash even though I can only play 1 2 for the most part these days -- make 30k. I took 4 months off at one point due to things outside of poker but put in more volume than usual for the last couple of months. Made 22k so far this year basically all at 1 2 500max and failed, but had my best hourly rate for a calendar year and am playing really well. Overall shortened my session lengths and played to make the most profit over the shortest hours with really good table selection.

    Poker Goals for 2012:

    Not sure where I'll be living by next spring/summer so I can't put a monetary goal out there.

    More vaguely:

    1. continue to table select well,

    2. try and get the occasional extended session trying to break even at a bad table out of my game,

    3. try and find my first gear at the right tables -- lately I've been trying to run over some players in bad spots leading to my 2 worst sessions of the year,

    4. hopefully continue to enjoy playing live cash on a regular basis -- it's tough at times when you can't move up limits due to game selection...especially after a trip to Vegas
  • GTA Poker wrote: »
    You need to pick a game and study it. You aren't going to profit by playing a few games of one type then switching when you run bad, etc. If you want to profit online you really have to start posting hands and playing some volume. Join a coaching site -- they have tonnes of videos for all the games you like to play.

    You need realistic monthly goals and need to realize what a good roi is in the games you choose to play. Something like scoring in the battle of the planets shouldn't be in your mind right now. Getting a consistent roi with a certain volume should be.

    I have seen you floundering around the micros for years and saying that you want to make money at poker, but I don't see you doing anything to work on your game. You should be moving up in limits by now if you have put the time in and have worked on your game. The games are getting tougher so you really need to make a commitment to making money at them if that is your true goal.

    I do appreciate the concern and the advice, don't get me wrong but some of your posts are out there and piss me off.

    Your weird GTA, half the time your like a normal guy, the other half you make like drunk posts;) Is this what you do on cash tables live to win the profits?:wink2:


    ah screw it, I will just leave the above instead of the long post cause I don't want or have the time to get into it, and I do more trying to learn the game and whatnot more than you know.
  • Wetts1012 wrote: »

    Is real life?

    My other goal of 2012 is to have Wetts play a ladies event in full drag.
  • jdAA88 wrote: »
    Alot of the goals I made for 2010 pretty much failed but I definitely am a much better tourney and cash player now. For 2011 I'm switching my focus to cash games, I'm planning on being a 1-2 6max reg (handwise, goal is to play 600k hands in 2011 at least): I still love mtts though but they won't be my main focus since I just can't ever put in enough volume that you need to be successful in them at ssnl mtts.

    Haha, well this didn't happen. I started off 2011 still splitting my time between mtts and cash (looking at HEM, I played 120k hands of cash this year) I'm now fully focused on mtts. I've had a pretty ok year pokerwise and even though I definitely didn't end up putting in the amount of volume I wanted to (partially due to Black Friday cos I was a UB grinder), I think I'm ending off the year as a better mtt player. I just got back from Vegas and after being able to rail a bunch of online and live sickos at the bellagio wpt 10k, 100k, and 5k events, I'm feeling pretty inspired/excited about poker (even talked to Faraz Jaka).

    Goals for 2012 are:
    - Do kettlebell workouts 3x a week: I'm in the worst shape I've ever been in, so this needs to change
    - Grow up and stop drinking pop (so childish I know, I love coca-cola tho fml)
    - Play 250 mtts per month
    - Eventually move up and start playing more midstakes tournies more often
    - Go back to Vegas for another vacation but this time strictly to grind!!!!
  • jdAA88 wrote: »
    Haha, well this didn't happen. I started off 2011 still splitting my time between mtts and cash (looking at HEM, I played 120k hands of cash this year) I'm now fully focused on mtts. I've had a pretty ok year pokerwise and even though I definitely didn't end up putting in the amount of volume I wanted to (partially due to Black Friday cos I was a UB grinder), I think I'm ending off the year as a better mtt player. I just got back from Vegas and after being able to rail a bunch of online and live sickos at the bellagio wpt 10k, 100k, and 5k events, I'm feeling pretty inspired/excited about poker (even talked to Faraz Jaka).

    Goals for 2012 are:
    - Do kettlebell workouts 3x a week: I'm in the worst shape I've ever been in, so this needs to change
    - Grow up and stop drinking pop (so childish I know, I love coca-cola tho fml)
    - Play 250 mtts per month
    - Eventually move up and start playing more midstakes tournies more often
    - Go back to Vegas for another vacation but this time strictly to grind!!!!

    Let me know when you're going -- did you play anything?
  • Played the Wynn noon $125 w/ re-entry and also played 1/2 at bellagio for 45mins, and 1/2 at Flamingo for about an hour (wish I could have played more but gf in Vegas+ poker in Vegas = fail). Might post a small TR tomorrow although it would probably be pretty boring.
  • Cool...did you get a good room at Flamingo?
  • jdAA88 wrote: »
    Played the Wynn noon $125 w/ re-entry and also played 1/2 at bellagio for 45mins, and 1/2 at Flamingo for about an hour (wish I could have played more but gf in Vegas+ poker in Vegas = fail). Might post a small TR tomorrow although it would probably be pretty boring.

    I thought i had a tight rope in Vegas. :)
  • I doubt I did, I lost too much in prague ^^'
  • If you are making $22k in a year playing a couple sessions a week on average, I would just keep doing what you have been doing.

    GTA Poker wrote: »
    Poker Goals for 2012:

    1. continue to table select well,

    2. try and get the occasional extended session trying to break even at a bad table out of my game,

    I wouldn't look at changing the way you have been playing. Everyone has bad days/sessions and sometimes its just better to pack up and call it a day than try to extend the session and fight to get back to even. I think its human nature to take more risks at the table when you are behind because inherently you don't want to face the fact you have had a losing session. When you start taking risks, you are not playing your A game and this just leads to bad decisions.
    GTA Poker wrote: »
    3. try and find my first gear at the right tables -- lately I've been trying to run over some players in bad spots leading to my 2 worst sessions of the year,

    You can't always pick when you 'run over some players' and only do this selectively when you are only up in a session. It should come more naturally and not be based on whether you are up or down at the start of your session.

    Thoughts דָּוִיד ?
  • GTA Poker wrote: »
    Cool...did you get a good room at Flamingo?

    Yup, got a GO room, pretty sweet
  • Goals for 2011:
    Poker will be more philosophical for me next year, as I will no longer brood on big pots lost. Rather I will take satisfaction from getting my $$$ in while a 4:1 favourite. I can do nothing about chance, and if Lady Luck chooses to smile upon another, so be it.

    I think I have accomplished this goal (90%)

    I have a little $$$ on Stars, and so will happily play micro stakes until my roll increases enough to play higher. I can play a little higher on FTP, and so I will do so. The on-line goal is to finish the year with more than I started, and not to re-load at any point in 2011.

    No reloads on Stars, but Black Friday took care of my FTP roll . . . I did take advantage of a free $50.00 on Poker770, so I am actually ahead of where I should be. Lets call it a wash.

    Live roll is going to take a hit, as I plan to put some money aside for next year's Black Friday Sales. this money is not "untouchable", but that is the goal. Also, 50% of any profit to that point will be used to buy chips, too.

    Nothing much struck my fancy at the Chiptalk sales. Waiting to see what the hot-stamped Super-diamonds look like before making a decision on a new tourney set.
  • My goals are pretty much the same every year.

    Goals for 2011:
    1) >10k profits: check.
    2) 3-4 trips to Vegas: check.
    3) Cash a wsop event: 0 for 3. :(

    Goals for 2012:
    1) >10k profits: My minimum profit goal for the last 6-7 years. Probably going to be the toughest to do this year for a bunch of reasons including getting married, spending a lot of my bankroll, and work.
    2) 3-4 trips to Vegas: 2 should be easy. That third trip is going to take some finessing.
    3) Final table a Caesar's MS or Venetian DS: I run like garbage in these late (<20% of the field remaining). It angers me.
  • I guess playing in few new spots since moving out east would be good too:

    - Atlantic City
    - Seneca
    - Playground in Montreal
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