Why Edmonton Has The Best Low Limit (1/2 or 2/5) Action in The World (Literally)



  • If you want to live in a world of dilution where you think you can maintain a winrate of $50/hr playing in the $1/$2 capital of the world, who am I to burst your bubble?

    Knew I should have stop reading when I got to:
    GTA Poker wrote: »
    (also brag post)

    Some things never change...
  • pokerJAH wrote: »
    If you want to live in a world of dilution where you think you can maintain a winrate of $50/hr playing in the $1/$2 capital of the world, who am I to burst your bubble?

    Knew I should have stop reading when I got to:

    Some things never change...

    Wtf is a world of dilution? Do you think I'm actually making $100/h but only reporting $61/h?

    Haters gonna hate...

    ...when you learn how to beat lol live cash games we can talk.

    "It is hard to make consistent money playing cash games really due to a high rake and variance IMO."

    Pretty much sums up any of your arguments.

    At least you finally admitted that you aren't a winning player. Now to refine your game and make some money at this game! Gogogo!

    C'mon man!
  • Can agree with GTA. Lived in YEG for 7 years, YYC before that.

    I only started tracking actual live stats in the last year (thank you Iphone 4 app).

    I'm now primarily a tourney player, but I'll sit down for the odd cash session.

    Very small sample size for me year to date:

    55 hrs at Yellowhead
    $2261 profit
    $41 / hr
  • GTA Poker wrote: »
    Now to refine your game and make some money at this game! Gogogo!

    C'mon man!

    I'm working on it, as I actually travel the world playing poker.....
  • What's the rake structure? (No flop no drop, % pot, BBJ drop)
    Are there any Casino Comps?
    Are the poker rooms non-smoking?
  • T8urmoney wrote: »
    Can agree with GTA. Lived in YEG for 7 years, YYC before that.

    I only started tracking actual live stats in the last year (thank you Iphone 4 app).

    I'm now primarily a tourney player, but I'll sit down for the odd cash session.

    Very small sample size for me year to date:

    55 hrs at Yellowhead
    $2261 profit
    $41 / hr

    What's YEG?
    What's YYC?
  • Airport codes. Edmonton, Calgary
  • btw, I hear Philidelphia is a hot bed for poker action these days. Some places have 100 plus cash game tables running.
  • What's the rake structure? (No flop no drop, % pot, BBJ drop)
    Are there any Casino Comps?
    Are the poker rooms non-smoking?


    Comps -- you get hours but I think they go towards a quarterly freeroll. I always forget to swipe out so probably better to ask T8 about this. I think top 50 cash players and top 50 MTT players every 3 months get a 10k freeroll quarterly. I think it was a HU tourney this month. I played 3 sessions last week and swiped in once, in and out once and forget all together the third time. Free food at 3am daily which is actually not bad for free casino food.

    Rake -- I'm actually not positive. I'm not really a rake nit unless they are extraordinarily unreasonable as in most Toronto undergrounds but it is probably something like $4-5 cap with $1 BBJ drop. I know they rake in 50cent increments as I get those gold coins tossed my way now and then. (I know I should know better about this, but the games are soft and there is nowhere else to play assuming rake is almost equal at all city rooms). There is a BBJ capped at 20k and a Royal jackpot usually at $300ish. I think the BBJ keeps a few fish coming in as I always hear comment about it every session.
  • pokerJAH wrote: »
    I'm working on it, as I actually travel the world playing poker.....

    Don't be dilutional
  • GTA Poker wrote: »
    I always forget to swipe out...

    Just thinking it would be a nice touch for the dealer to remind you to swipe when seat is open, especially for a reg.
  • literation wrote: »
    Just thinking it would be a nice touch for the dealer to remind you to swipe when seat is open, especially for a reg.

    Maybe, I don't care that much since I probably wouldn't be able to fit whatever freeroll into my schedule. I'm probably a semi-reg, but I only play 5-15 sessions a month.
  • What's the rake structure? (No flop no drop, % pot, BBJ drop)
    Are there any Casino Comps?
    Are the poker rooms non-smoking?

    5%, $5 cap, $1 Bad beat...no flop no rake

    All non-smoking with the exception of River Cree, half the casino is smoking, poker room right beside smoking area.

    Only comps are entries to freeroll tournies.
    Yellowhead (and Argyl) gives out 25k 4 times a year.
    Top 50 cash players (need to swipe in and out at the cage to earn points) play down to 8, and top 50 tourney players play down to 8. Combine on weekend for 16 man heads up tourney, 10k up top.

    ^^^actually playing the tourney one this evening.

    Chip counts are staggered according to the points accumulated. Cash game points are based per hour played, tourney, you get a base for playing and cashing.
  • I agree with GTAPoker, we have the best LLSNL games in the world (atleast north america). My WR at 1/2 through a decent sample is $42 and i usually play in the daytime with the nitt(ish) regs at Argyll.
  • GTA Poker wrote: »
    Have never played at Aria. I usually play bigger in Vegas because it is my only chance to play 5/10. Will check it out when I'm there in a couple of weeks. I would sit in the 1/3 for fun only if there was no cap or a 200+bb cap, otherwise it would be lower than I'd want to play and wouldn't be any fun.

    Come to Calgary if you want 5/10. Elbow runs a 5/10 and 5/10/25 3 nights a week with plenty of players.
  • jontm wrote: »
    Come to Calgary if you want 5/10. Elbow runs a 5/10 and 5/10/25 3 nights a week with plenty of players.

    Yeah, I heard that they started to have this regularly. It's hard for me to travel 3 hours and still be in the same shitty climate...I'd rather fly somewhere warm:)

    I may head down for a few days sometime this winter when the gf is away and play for a few days.
  • kind of a bump....after my 2/5 session last night, I was starting to think part of my game I need to improve on is my expectation from each given session. I think most players win a certain amount on some nights, and then their expectation is to get back to this profit range with every session. So if you play 2/5 and you have had numerious sessions where you are winning $700-$1,000 (after say 4-5 hours), when you don't reach this milestone, you start to play looser to try and reach this point. This is more where you are up say $200-$300 and its within reach to make this amount. You need to be satisfied with a $200-$300 profit for a 4-5 hour session as this is still a decent winrate for the hours you have played. I think I do this way too much and it probably accounts for why I have a lot of breakeven sessions. Since I don't mind burning off that last couple hundred on the expectation I might have a big night.

    Anyone else notice they do this?
  • pokerJAH wrote: »
    kind of a bump....after my 2/5 session last night, I was starting to think part of my game I need to improve on is my expectation from each given session. I think most players win a certain amount on some nights, and then their expectation is to get back to this profit range with every session. So if you play 2/5 and you have had numerious sessions where you are winning $700-$1,000 (after say 4-5 hours), when you don't reach this milestone, you start to play looser to try and reach this point. This is more where you are up say $200-$300 and its within reach to make this amount. You need to be satisfied with a $200-$300 profit for a 4-5 hour session as this is still a decent winrate for the hours you have played. I think I do this way too much and it probably accounts for why I have a lot of breakeven sessions. Since I don't mind burning off that last couple hundred on the expectation I might have a big night.

    Anyone else notice they do this?

    I used to have this attitude years ago, but haven't for a long time. Having a good/great long-term winrate means that you realize:

    1. That winning sessions are easy when you have the cards but you always have to go over whether you maximized your profits (bet sizing is a big thing to work on for most players),

    2. Sometimes a small win is all you can get in a session due to a number of factors: cards, toughness of a table, bad beats, etc. It may feel like you just wasted 5 hours to make only $100, but that is part of the variance that contributes to your overall winrate.

    3. Losing sessions happen due to the factors in 2. It is much easier to lose a large amount in a short period of time than to win that same amount. If the table is tough or your table image is not appropriate to how you want to play or if you are tired, etc. then accept your current loss and come back another day.

    4. Once you realize 1-3 and you have played enough hours to establish a winrate then you realize that playing poker is like going to work from a financial perspective. If you put in 10 hours you expect $500 profit (if you are winning $50/h long-term) and will get that over the long run. As long as you are playing very well and are a winning player then the small ups and downs (losing $800 in a session or winning $800 in a session) don't affect you...put in the time and you will profit.

    When I play cash I expect to win every time and I do profit in most sessions. However, the thing that has really made me the most profitable player I can be is never tilting/leaving when I feel tired and like I could tilt (what you describe is a form of tilt) and taking pride in my losing or break-even sessions where I can't find spots where I could have made more money but can find spots where I could have easily lost more money. Minimizing your losses, or in your case keeping small wins, by avoiding tilt is what separates small winners or losers from those players with a decent winrate.
  • Here's to a productive poker year in 2012...I will likely either be moving to California or Vegas and am hoping to be playing 2/5 - 5/10 on a more regular basis...maybe even as a part-time pro depending on what job I am offered or accept and how the games look wherever I end-up.

    Here's a picture of my last 35 sessions which includes a few Vegas 2/5 sessions.

  • In before busto? :)
  • Very Nice GTA
  • compuease wrote: »
    In before busto? :)

    Good for you.
  • GTA Poker wrote: »
    ...taking pride in my losing or break-even sessions where I can't find spots where I could have made more money but can find spots where I could have easily lost more money. Minimizing your losses, or in your case keeping small wins, by avoiding tilt is what separates small winners or losers from those players with a decent winrate.

    We play in different games, but I can echo this. I am most proud of the time I played for four hours, won only my final hand, and finished down $10.
  • pokerJAH wrote: »
    kind of a bump....after my 2/5 session last night, I was starting to think part of my game I need to improve on is my expectation from each given session. I think most players win a certain amount on some nights, and then their expectation is to get back to this profit range with every session. So if you play 2/5 and you have had numerious sessions where you are winning $700-$1,000 (after say 4-5 hours), when you don't reach this milestone, you start to play looser to try and reach this point. This is more where you are up say $200-$300 and its within reach to make this amount. You need to be satisfied with a $200-$300 profit for a 4-5 hour session as this is still a decent winrate for the hours you have played. I think I do this way too much and it probably accounts for why I have a lot of breakeven sessions. Since I don't mind burning off that last couple hundred on the expectation I might have a big night.

    Anyone else notice they do this?

    I never ever do this.

    I don't care if I win or lose in a session.

    I just play each hand from moment to moment.

    Optimizing each hand.

    Sessions are artificial and don't really exist in my mind.
  • Sessions are artificial and don't really exist in my mind.

    I have very limited time to play each week (1 session usually) so this may result in a different mindset as I know I can't come back to the tables the next day.
  • pokerJAH wrote: »
    I have very limited time to play each week (1 session usually) so this may result in a different mindset as I know I can't come back to the tables the next day.

    You're missing my whole point!

    Stop thinking in terms of sessions!

    Just play each hand optimally.

    It's not a hockey game.
  • So far in 2012 my results have been a lot more consistent, and profitable, since I have been playing mainly 1/2 vs 2/5 and 5/5. Obviously the swings are smaller with less money on the table. But my hourly rate is pretty decent, even at these smaller limits. I have been avoiding the high rake clubs as well and sticking to virtually rake free places. thoughts?

    hourly rate $77, average profit per session $289

    Might be tough to stick to 1/2 in Vegas.
  • pokerJAH wrote: »
    So far in 2012 my results have been a lot more consistent, and profitable, since I have been playing mainly 1/2 vs 2/5 and 5/5. Obviously the swings are smaller with less money on the table. But my hourly rate is pretty decent, even at these smaller limits. I have been avoiding the high rake clubs as well and sticking to virtually rake free places. thoughts?

    hourly rate $77, average profit per session $289

    Might be tough to stick to 1/2 in Vegas.

    That's good but way too small to interpret as anything meaningful. Staying away from high rake clubs is great for profit and it is terrible to support those games.

    2/5 in Vegas is pretty soft I wouldn't every waste my time at 1 2 if you have the money to play 2 5.
  • GTA Poker wrote: »
    That's good but way too small to interpret as anything meaningful. Staying away from high rake clubs is great for profit and it is terrible to support those games.

    2/5 in Vegas is pretty soft I wouldn't every waste my time at 1 2 if you have the money to play 2 5.

    agreed, 2/5 is super soft in vegas. An easy game to crush for cash game regs.
  • GTA Poker wrote: »
    Here's to a productive poker year in 2012...I will likely either be moving to California or Vegas and am hoping to be playing 2/5 - 5/10 on a more regular basis...maybe even as a part-time pro depending on what job I am offered or accept and how the games look wherever I end-up.

    Here's a picture of my last 35 sessions which includes a few Vegas 2/5 sessions.


    what app's this GTA? seems pretty helpful
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