Charity Tournaments.

Hey everyone,
I used to get emails telling me about charity tournaments in my area, they stopped about 4 months ago, usually run by pokerpigs. Does anyone know of a site or organization that lists charity tournaments or if there is an email address I can send my address to so I get updates? I look on here but most of the games are leagues or home games etc.

Thanks for the help.


  • Have you tried sending an email to pokerpigs at
  • Just sent one to that address.

  • I don't think the pokerpigs crew is running anymore tourneys. I noticed at the last game in gilford, they had all the pokerpigs equipment. Do a search on for other poker clubs running charity events.
  • RWPKRPLR wrote: »
    I don't think the pokerpigs crew is running anymore tourneys.
    They are, I got emails from that address as recently as a week ago.
  • I contacted them and they said that it slows down during the summer and that I could expect to see some tournys in my area starting anytime.

    thanks for the replies.
  • Kool! good to know.
  • Hey everyone,
    I used to get emails telling me about charity tournaments in my area, they stopped about 4 months ago, usually run by pokerpigs. Does anyone know of a site or organization that lists charity tournaments or if there is an email address I can send my address to so I get updates? I look on here but most of the games are leagues or home games etc.

    Thanks for the help.

    I don't know your area but did see Gilford in this thread. Perhaps this but don't see anything about the structure:
  • Alive and well thanks. I am one of the TDs. Most of the tournaments that I run are for the Lions Clubs and are listed at Lion's Poker. Very few of the others. Rocky does some team fundraisers buy mainly he runs the York Region Poker League.
  • screenman wrote: »
    Alive and well thanks. I am one of the TDs. Most of the tournaments that I run are for the Lions Clubs and are listed at Lion's Poker. Very few of the others. Rocky does some team fundraisers buy mainly he runs the York Region Poker League.
    Do either Kurtis or Curtis run anything anymore?
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