I make stupid mistakes.

Do you ever do stupid things?

Sure you do.

I do.

Stupid thing one.

Place is doing a freeroll give away every hour.

So I decide to keep playing...

I play from 10 AM to 3 PM.

Stupid me.

stupid hand 1.

2/5NL Live.

2 limpers

I raise $25

2 callers.

Flop AT9 ... 2 hearts..

I bet $50

limper calls,

2nd limper makes it $85 more.

I say, Raise, and put in a $100 bill, intending to announce $200 more. (I only have about $300 back)

But the guy stops me and says, "That's a min raise!!!"

Duh.. stupid me...

Stupid hand 2.

I 6 bet all in $1290 with KK and get shown AA.
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