Tournament Director?

So, given that I am terribad at poker, so will never be able to use winnings to pay for one, what are some good, FREE, downloadable tournament director programs for my new laptop? :)


  • Blind Valet...excellent and free too
  • Seriously...Tournament director is only like 30 bucks...and it's awesome.
  • I really should get around to downloading one of these strange magic poker programs that are probably written by the devil
  • Tournament director is a great piece of software. Very customizable. For someone with your personality type, you'll love it. (read this in the kindest of ways) I did. I want to be able to fiddle with every option.

    The guy that writes the software is very helpful if you have problems.

    Blind valet is also great if you want a free option with fewer options.
  • DennisG wrote: »
    Seriously...Tournament director is only like 30 bucks...and it's awesome.

    Unless you plan on hosting a LOT of games, keep the money and get Blind Valet. I have a link somewhere to the free version of TD if you want it, but I can't guarantee it will still download for you.
  • Poker Manager is great for Mac users. It's not quite as customizable as TD, but it's only $12 and available from the Apple App store. It also has a neat feature that let's you manage the tournament from an iPhone/iPad via wifi. Also, any players with an Apple device can d/l (for free) an app that let's them view the tournament details in progress. Very handy if a table is a fair distance from the computer.
  • Just checked and the poker manager for mac is only $4.99!
    and Poker manager remote is FREE.
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