Live MTT Game Selection!

Just curious of what other players around the country are considering, when trying to determine which MTT to play? (e.g. PF, Structure, Payouts, Etc.)


  • all of the following are considered more or less equally. if one of them is not up to standard i'll most likely not want to play in the tournament:
    1. structure (has to have a decent skill level - i don't like playing less than 4 at the very least)
    2. buy-in (has to be within reason of my bankroll, but i will take shots every now and then)
    3. location (not worth my time and effort if it's taking me a long time to get there)
    4. rake (if rake is generally higher than the average/standard, i will find a better spot to put my chips in)
  • Thanks for the reply. I look at the same things as you when selecting MTT games, but wasn't sure if I was missing anything. I didn't think so, but wanted more input on the subject.
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