honest doubts about a live cardroom

The cardroom at Brantford Charity Casino in Brantford, Ontario offers 2/5 limit holdem. I've played there from time to time. My trip there today left a bad taste in my mouth.

There were two guys sitting side by side at the far end of the table who obviously knew each other. In several hours they were never in a hand together. When one played, the other one folded. Between them they rivered six winning gutshots when they had raised preflop with hands such as K8 offsuit and kept raising on the flop with nothing better than a threep-straight. They knocked out five other players in three hours and taunted three of them.

One of them went on dinner break and the other guy suddenly started losing. When the dinner guy returned, his buddy said the dinner break "cost me $100." I laughed and remarked loudly to the dealer that I wished I had a tape recorder to record that conversation because "what better evidence do you need?" The dealer said nothing, but when she looked at me I could see the fear in her eyes.

I made a small profit by playing tighter than a clydesdale's anus in winter. Others weren't so lucky. Now, it's obvious those two were cheating, but the dealer's reaction to my joking comment suggests to me that they might be shills. I've heard rumours of collusion at brantford from other regulars, but I've never heard anything that would impugn the honesty of the cardroom itself. I don't WANT to believe that Brantford is dishonest but find myself tending in that direction.

As a closing comment, whenever frustrated newbies have raged to me that online poker is rigged, I've had a simple reply for them: go play live in a public cardroom, because it's extremely unlikely that a public cardroom would be rigged. Now I have to wonder whether it wasn't naive of me to think so.

Does anyone have any thoughts on this?


  • The cardroom at Brantford Charity Casino in Brantford, Ontario offers 2/5 limit holdem. I've played there from time to time. My trip there today left a bad taste in my mouth.

    There were two guys sitting side by side at the far end of the table who obviously knew each other. [As do most of the regs] In several hours they were never in a hand together. [I doubt that, but if you know the other player and know how he plays that may impact your play vs them] When one played, the other one folded. Between them they rivered six winning gutshots [You haven't played 2/5 much there, have you. Pretty standard at BCC] when they had raised preflop with hands such as K8 offsuit [K8 make mon-ey. :D You'll eventually get the reference] and kept raising on the flop with nothing better than a threep-straight. [Some nights the tables are so passive, I've done this] They knocked out five other players in three hours and taunted three of them. [Taunting players is classless]

    One of them went on dinner break and the other guy suddenly started losing. [Variance. So are you saying they were sharing cards?] When the dinner guy returned, his buddy said the dinner break "cost me $100." [I've had that happen to me] I laughed and remarked loudly to the dealer that I wished I had a tape recorder to record that conversation because "what better evidence do you need?" The dealer said nothing, but when she looked at me I could see the fear in her eyes. [Are you sure that it was fear?]

    I made a small profit by playing tighter than a clydesdale's anus in winter. Others weren't so lucky. Now, it's obvious those two were cheating, but the dealer's reaction to my joking comment suggests to me that they might be shills. I've heard rumours of collusion at brantford from other regulars, but I've never heard anything that would impugn the honesty of the cardroom itself. I don't WANT to believe that Brantford is dishonest but find myself tending in that direction. [Did you report it to the cardroom manager?]

    As a closing comment, whenever frustrated newbies have raged to me that online poker is rigged, I've had a simple reply for them: go play live in a public cardroom, because it's extremely unlikely that a public cardroom would be rigged. Now I have to wonder whether it wasn't naive of me to think so.

    Does anyone have any thoughts on this?

    In closing, they may or may not have been cheating. You can find cheats at every cardroom. This does not mean the cardroom is "rigged".
  • Not saying one is right or the other, anything like that at all, lets put this spin on it...

    You can get up! Then what have you lost, hit a different table, call the floor make it a big deal, might get a seat change to one of them, or really piss them off and they go.

    Is it ethical to sit with people you know?? of course not, but it still happens, go to a home game!! cheating? not really but make friends play in pots with others and not them, this is not a judgement im just saying....thats kinda everywhere!!! define rigged, easy idea to look at it, when I head to the casino I am NOT THERE TO MAKE FRIENDS IM THERE TO CRUSH THEM!!!

    that should about clear it up
  • getem76 wrote: »
    Is it ethical to sit with people you know?? of course not, but it still happens,

    Wrong. There is nothing wrong with sitting with people you know. So long as there is no collusion or soft playing. When moose and I go to BCC, I take great pleasure in sucking out on him. ;)

    I am there (and so is he) to win money. Who it comes from does not matter.
  • ^^ +1... This is 2/5 limit for gods sake.... You will see everything.. As for cheating I'm quite sure that that wasn't a look of "fear" on the dealers face but rather one of "amazement"...
    In summary, as Hobbes says, you will find cheating of some sort in every card room. It's very difficult to prove just be aware. I'm quite sure they aren't "shills" as you call it but quite probably are regs as were likely the guys who's money they took. :) Play enough in Niagara, AC, and Vegas and you will see much worse.. Just keep your eyes open and look for opportunities.
  • Its pretty much a must for me to have a friend at my table when playing 2-5L. It's such a slow and tedious game with the making change and constant play to the river with multiple hand showdowns. I dont go to make the mortgage- its a social game for me and i like to chat ppl up and if nobody else is chatting at least i have a buddy there to joke around with.
    This is especially true when we drive up together and whoever wins the most (or loses the least) usually pays for the wendy's drive thru that sits conveniently across from BCC.
  • I wasnt trying to say it doesnt exist and to be above it, I was trying to make a point of it....not like I go to the casino with my friends saying "lets go get them!!" thats almost just like the whole hand histories thing, poker more often than not isnt a team sport.

    As for ethical, I might have used the wrong word with it HA...comp is completely right, 2/5 isnt gambling ONLY but it takes little skill to be in the black with it!
  • Lol. Do you even know how to collude in a cardroom?
    In several hours they were never in a hand together.
    - fail.
    they rivered six winning gutshots
    - so obv they were communicating their cards to each other so that they knew all four of their outs were live.

    So laughable.
  • +1 moose
  • What I'm getting from the aggregate of the responses here is that team play, soft play and general collusion are common practice at public cardrooms, and the most that a cardroom's management will do is split up the offenders and put them at different tables. It definitely gives me a different perspective on live poker. So I have a totally different question now: When you notice cheaters at your table, how do you deal with it so that you don't end up automatically losing money yourself? I don't have a Superman symbol stamped on my undershirt and have never been a crusader, but do want to protect my own interests.
  • What I'm getting from the aggregate of the responses here is that team play, soft play and general collusion are common practice at public cardrooms, and the most that a cardroom's management will do is split up the offenders and put them at different tables. It definitely gives me a different perspective on live poker. So I have a totally different question now: When you notice cheaters at your table, how do you deal with it so that you don't end up automatically losing money yourself? I don't have a Superman symbol stamped on my undershirt and have never been a crusader, but do want to protect my own interests.
    people who cheat at weak table are stupid and lazy...they are awful players and guarenteed awful at cheating...the edge you get from cheating like this is sooo small play good poker and welcome them...

    i had a buddy who wanted me to lick my lips if i had ak....? like what is that gonna accomplish....
  • What I'm getting from the aggregate of the responses here is that team play, soft play and general collusion are common practice at public cardrooms, and the most that a cardroom's management will do is split up the offenders and put them at different tables. It definitely gives me a different perspective on live poker.

    That's not what we said. We said that it happens.
  • I've emailed the OLG regarding my suspicions of cheating and collusion, possibly involving dealers, giving them the cardroom name, the date and time frame, and the table number. I asked them to have the surveillance department review both the video and the audio. If OLG responds to me in any way I'll let you know.
  • Yes, please keep us informed of the results of your inquiries . . .
  • In several hours they were never in a hand together. When one played, the other one folded.
    How can they collude with each other when they never played a hand together??
    Now, it's obvious those two were cheating
    I tried to learn how to spot all kinds of cheating when I was getting my dealers license, and I don't see any cheating from your description.
    I don't WANT to believe that Brantford is dishonest but find myself tending in that direction.
    So you somehow think that these two NON-colluding players were cheaters, AND that the rotating dealers were also cheating??
  • Why don't they cheat at the 50/100?

    Is it worth the risk to cheat at a 2/5?

    Can you spell out how they were cheating for those of us who don't understand your post?
  • Was this the look that the dealer gave? :D

  • Why don't they cheat at the 50/100?

    Is it worth the risk to cheat at a 2/5?

    Can you spell out how they were cheating for those of us who don't understand your post?

    There's almost never a 50/100 table going at Brantford. Yesterday about half of the tables were closed thanks to low attendance. There was one 20/40 table running, and it is indeed a wonder that cheaters wouldn't concentrate on that.

    As for spelling things out, I don't need to, because I've put the matter in the hands of OLG staff, and, hopefully, they'll come up with their own conclusions based on reliable evidence and expertise. If I hear about it from them I'll let you know.
  • There's almost never a 50/100 table going at Brantford. Yesterday about half of the tables were closed thanks to low attendance. There was one 20/40 table running, and it is indeed a wonder that cheaters wouldn't concentrate on that.

    As for spelling things out, I don't need to, because I've put the matter in the hands of OLG staff, and, hopefully, they'll come up with their own conclusions based on reliable evidence and expertise. If I hear about it from them I'll let you know.

    I am all for being vigilant and making sure you are not taken advantage of at the poker table. Some of the skepticism is coming from a couple of things:

    1. The stakes are way to low to make any sort of cheating worthwhile.

    2. The dealers rotate, making a dealer being part of any scamm only viable for 20-30min at a time.

    3. Colluders usually play hands together, so they can help build a pot, give each other signals as to what they have, etc...
  • Anyrag, I am interested in what you find out.

    In the past, when I suspected cheating, it would put me on a kind of tilt because I would be so busy watching for it I wasn't playing my game. It was kind of distracting like reading the gibberish in chat boxes in online poker.

    Now when I feel something strange is going on I just change tables.
  • Trust the wise owl.

  • Update: the OLG sent me a no-reply auto-acknowledgement. Since I've had email contact with them before on an unrelated matter (not a complaint, just a suggestion) I knew I'd get their standard no-reply email form. All it says is that the matter "has been referred to the appropriate department." Now I'll wait to see whether anyone from OLG contacts me with further information. EDIT: I had specifically asked to be informed whether my complaint was being taken seriously and investigated, so hopefully they'll at least tell me that much.
  • UPDATE: I was told today by my former landlady that OLG phoned her looking for me, mistakenly believing that her phone number was my phone number. She was too surprised to get the caller's name or phone number. I'll contact them and ask them what the heck they're doing.
  • Disappearing PFC member in 3... 2... 1...
  • UPDATE: Someone at OLG called me today and asked if I had further information. I told her what I could, and she said she would pass it on to the general manager of Brantford and he would get back to me.
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