Confused on a rule

Not sure why I don't just know this, or why I can't find it..but, exposed hands before the betting action is finished..

scenario 1
Player 1 is all in, Players 2 and 3 still have live hands, river comes, and player 1 exposes their hand after player 2 bets and 3 hasn't decided...does the action just continue with new info (unfair to player 2) and is player 1's hand dead?

Scenario 2

New hand, all players have chips and live hands..River comes, player 1 checks, player 2 checks, player 3 debates for a moment..acknowledges that it is his turn, player 2 then reveals hand thinking that the acknowledgment was a check...player 3 still has the option of betting right?


  • DennisG wrote: »
    Scenario 2

    New hand, all players have chips and live hands..River comes, player 1 checks, player 2 checks, player 3 debates for a moment..acknowledges that it is his turn, player 2 then reveals hand thinking that the acknowledgment was a check...player 3 still has the option of betting right?

    Yes player 3 still has option of betting.

    Player 2 plays his hand face up for the remainder of the hand. Once hand is complete, then Player 2 receives a 1 round penalty.
  • DennisG wrote: »
    scenario 1

    Player 1 is all in, Players 2 and 3 still have live hands, river comes, and player 1 exposes their hand after player 2 bets and 3 hasn't decided...does the action just continue with new info (unfair to player 2) and is player 1's hand dead?

    Not 100% sure but I think action just continues, and if Player 1 who is all in ends up winning, then player 1 receives a 1 round penalty
  • I think steve is right mostly on both accounts, unsure about the 1 round penalty and such, more defines on casino to casino as they are not the same, ...either way if your all in (ie scen 1), honestly you should be LAST to flip your hand up, as the side pot is claimed before the main pot
  • Robert’s Rules Of Poker

    Chapter 15
    Section 22
    Showing cards from a live hand during the action injures the rights of other players still competing in an event, who wish to see contestants eliminated. A player in a multihanded pot may not show any cards during a deal. Heads-up, a player may not show any cards unless the event has only two remaining players, or is winner-take-all. If a player deliberately shows a card, the player may be penalized (but his hand will not be ruled dead). Verbally stating one’s hand during the play may be penalized.
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