Absolute Poker

Hi there, I am new to the site and am looking forward to learning more about the game from the site. anyway can anyone tell me about this 10 dollar freebie at Absolute poker I have been on their site but do not see anything promoting it..was it a one time thing. Also if anyone from Edmonton can tell me the best place to catch a game of hold em in the city.


  • I think you have to email the Absolute poker directly for the $10 bonus after you set up an account there. AFAIK, this is not an advertised promotion.

    As for Edmonton, I lived there for a couple years, and most of the casinos had poker when I was there. The Palace Casino at The Mall was the first place I ever played poker in a casino. If you're thinking along the lines of home games, try posting a quick message the "Home Games" section... I believe there are some readers of this forum who are also from Edmonton.

  • after you set up your account email support@absolutepoker.com and ask about there free no deposit bonus, it should be there within an hour. Cheers.

  • i had my free $10 within 7 minutes of downloading the software.
    i love free bankrolls 8)
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