How come we never talk about Triple Range Merging?

cause I still don't have a foggy clue what it is...

We do have fun at least.


  • Listen to Aejones. You will hear lots about range merging ;)
  • jontm wrote: »
    cause I still don't have a foggy clue what it is...

    We do have fun at least.
    in order to successesfully talk about triple range merging you have to go back to all the 2 + 2 archives that talk about range merging and have huge long contraversial conversations on the subject...then discussions on triple range merging get me on this...
  • It sounds like a journey of there juice? I think I just have to know what it is all about, I googled the name Dennis dropped, will start there.

    Edit: got this far and I have to know how they did that!!!!

    too fun, now we are getting somewhere

    Edit2: I have learned a bit so far, but more importantly I found a way to answer what I think are easy to find answers for the boss
  • Don't drink the kool-aid.
  • Well I know I've had to merge my ranges vs like 1 or two good ongame players when they started making sick calls and annoying folds against me. As most people know it entails for example widening your v-betting range so you don't check like 90% of your hands with showdown value and bluff 80% of the times you don't have showdown value but I have no clue what double and triple range merging would be. All I know is that I probably havn't found any use for it yet in my minefields ^^'
  • Merge ranging very good stuff Jon.

    How you doing btw?

    I guess according to Semantics floating would not be floating if you were ip calling with a draw for the correct price according to semantics. It would just be called drawing. However, you can still turn your draw into a bluff to take the pot away. I prefer to float with some blockers/ something and not a pure float against comp player. Randoms any kind of floating works.

    triple merging I can tell you I dont know and have not heard anyone say the exact. Aejones def came up with the term merging, but I have not heard much other than jokes about the triple being used by Jungleman to beat Durrrr hu :).

    Merging in general is a great way to be less exploited and balancing.
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