Duty Free?

Okay, I've searched and connot find the thread where this was discussed, but what are the NAFTA regs re: gambling equipment? I have a chip order coming via UPS, and would like to make sure I am not nickeled and dimed any more than absolutely necessary. I'll put it up with it because the alternative is to have the Posties using my chips for their picket line poker games.

I seem to recall something about no duty/taxes on gambling equipment, but cannot remember exactly, hence my query . . .

Little help?


  • ddmilcan will know for sure...
  • Gaming equipment is duty free. Doesn't matter anyways. UPS will still be charging you $50+ to clear it through customs. Reminds me of when I won a 'free' hat from a gaming site but UPS charged me $15 for clearing it anyways. Then sent the bill to a collection agency when I refused to pay it. Don't get me started on those fuckers.

    Point is - 'duty free' and 'clearing customs' are two different things. Canada Post charges a reasonable $6 and the HST of the value of the goods. UPS will screw you hard for the same service.
  • Agreed UPS are retarded.
    Always ship through USPS.
  • summed it up pretty well.
    The goods will qualify for duty free status, but are subject to HST on the value.
    The Post is the least expensive for clearance charges

    Milton Slim
  • You might not want to have it shipped USPS now since CP is striking, and USPS hands their stuff over to CP once it crosses the border.
  • That is EXACTLY why I went with an alternate, even if it had to be UPS.

    Knew I was going to get bent over, just wondered if I could use lube . . . *sigh*
    If you see me walking funny, but smiling, it's because I like my new chips, not the reaming from UPS.
  • what did they bill you and also i spank you for no pictures.
  • 920 chips in total plus a DB, they soaked me for just under a hundo . . . still worth it to get my chips so quickly. As for pix, wifey says no pr0n until hers are cleaned up. Since she is taking a sewing pin to the groove around the circumference, this could take a while.
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