sitting with huge swings

so playing at seneca yestrday 2-5, the game started im to understand around 11am, i sat 3:30ish, sat down to make a big fold on turn after flopping 2 pair on my first orbit (that was $150)...he flipped up the flush i knew he had did nothing much for about 2 orbits, in my strattle got Ace 5 of spades, 5 people in pot it was made to 30, i called, checked in the dark to ace 55, a check then bet to $40, a fold, a call, a fold, i really only had $240ish behind, so i shipped it, then was snapped off TWICE!! i was just like wtf!!!....anyways skip to the end my hand held up...long story short afterwards watched as the orbits go by probably once an orbit, there was at least a 1k swing one way or the other sometimes bigger....the action was crazy, sat in for 5 hours total got KK once QQ once but no AA, so be it i wont complain i got up a $350 winner...anyways its the place to go if you want to see huge swings back and forth, my second sit at it gotta say its enjoyable to see and be at, some were stuck well over 1k some were up over 1k...good steaming good action, probably half the table at times put on the strattle, its worth the drive id say if you have the time to put in and kill, only about 90 mins doing 120km on 403, theres also alot of 1-2 action as well


  • lol well done, went to rama last week and first time I was there and they had a 5/10 game going. Just before table was started sat at 2/5 table for less then an orbit sat with 500 moved to 5/10 with 1300. At one point had it up to about 6k. then went all the way back to 1000. Eventually leaving with 1600. Big hand swing I had 78 guy made it 30 i called and another called. flop j92 with 2 diamonds. guy makes it 65 and I make donkish raise to 140 ( was also watch nsh van game :P) other folds guy calls. turn 10. i bet 325 he raises to 800 and has another 500-600 back, I cryingly put in the rest he snaps river 10 and he starts complaining lol he had kq for bigger straight, he thought I rivered the boat haha. Played this hand real bad. raise on the flop led me to believe that he couldnt have kq, but my raise was so small and bad that obv he calls. O well live and learn...
  • Seems now is the time to hit casinos to get in the action a lot of peeps are there, you ended up unlucky by someone who just wants to gamble so be it...swing are massive if your roll can handle it
  • Yeah fallsview 5 10 game plays the same way. I was there on Saturday for 5 hours and picked up 2K. Guys just triple barrell the weirdest boards. I had a guy snap call an overbet of 300% on the river when I turned the nut straight with on an 10A4K5 rainbow board. Like really think for a second before calling with one pair.
  • not slamming online in anyway, but if you have the gas and car to afford it, the drive is SO worth it if you can put in the time....really not like its good practice but just keep waiting for your hands, image to most sitting at 2-5 or 5-10 is the case im thinking means nothing at all if your waiting for the monster flops and hands....unless your a total nit your good
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