I won my first live poker tourny last night!

Woo it was nice.

I know we don't have many BCers and even less lower mainlanders but if any of you have heard of the Athens cultural club.. that's where I played.

Something like 50 players, 5k starting chips.. there were rebuys and one add ons but for me it was a complete free roll.

Only thing though is I did agree to chop the pot 4 way even though I was chip leader it was 2 in the mornign and wasn't going to end any time soon so we all ended up with 115 or so.. but i'm still happy with how I played.

I just wish I had a better memory so I could remember more hands.

I know one I flopped my straight with Ace Jack and didn't get beat by a full house on the River (Like last week)

My favorite hand thought was probably the one at the final table.

Blinds I think are 4k/8k.

I get big slick I raise to 12k out of position.

One guy calls.. everyone else folds.

Flop is Ace, Ace, 9.

I decide to just check.. he goes all in.. I snap call and he's like "ahh fuck" and flips over Jack 10 (my favorite hand) and I knock him out.. then he complains a little bit about me slow rolling him (really? did I eh I dunno maybe a little.)

I typed more then I thought I would.. heh wow.


  • Congrats!! but if blinds were 4k/8k how to you raise to 12k lol
  • Oh right.. well 16 then.

    Like I said I wish I had a better memory..
  • Congrats on the win. Doesn't matter if it's the Lower Mainland, or East Buttfuck, Arkansas, we like it when a family member wins . . .
  • One of my biggest flaws I think is just well simply betting not sure if I'm doing too much, too little.

    Thinking about that.. I am pretty sure now I raised to 20k..maybe 24k yes..24k.

    Also I can get a little rattled with a big bet and sometimes just check out.. like I think I mentioned my Ace Jack hand.. (well I think I had a couple.. I knocked out quite a few people actually) I raised to 1500 right off the bat (I was in BB).. another guy comes and fires right back with 5200.. after a little while of thinking I eventually call.. he turns over Ace 3(suited though) I was pretty sure he did have the other ace.. or Kings.

    Now me I would have a tough time going in so much with such a low kicker.
  • congrats on the cash and the good play. It's the reason we all play.
  • Do you remember your first live tourny win?

    How big was the prize? Winning hand?
  • Mine most significant outright first place win was a 37 person work union tourney. Was actually very close to bubbling but got myself on a role. Got to the FT short stacked and watched in amazement as the other 7 picked each other off, moving me further and further up the money chain. Got to HU and just picked apart my drunk opponent lol. $60 buying for a $400 win. No idea what the winning hand was but I do recall sucking out lol
  • Congrats!
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