How to hide my poker tell..

I have noticed that when i get involved in a hand and make the nuts i have a nasty habit of just telling everyone in a clearly audible, matter of fact voice " hey, i got it-nut flush...sweeet!" and then proceed to make no monies.

Well, what actually happened is i was told to post something because its been too long.

Enjoy your pancakes:-\


  • instead of saying sweet i have the nuts, try saying 'darn i don't have the nuts at all' then people will think you have nothing and proceed to give you all their money....
  • Where do you play?
  • i have been improving. i used to turn my cards up once i made my hand.
  • i still don't understand why all red cards isn't better than a pair.
  • trigs wrote: »
    i still don't understand why all red cards isn't better than a pair.

    It is if you use a 4 colour deck.
  • moose wrote: »
    It is if you use a 4 colour deck.

    you just blew my mind...
  • leveled here too
  • "ALL red!!!" gotta admit, i laugh every time i watch it during that movie, almost as bad as casino royale at the end of the poker game, made for TV stuff, but watching the scene id be all in on the turn with my set, or flush ace high SO fast there would be no busting river haha
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