Screen View for Playing poker

Anyone know how to configure their screen so that you see four full tables?? I just play with 4 or 5 tables offset and you can't see them all at once.
I know i've seen on TV, people playing and the four tables are Top left, top right, bottom left, and bottom right on the screen.
As far as I can see, none of the sites have options to change the size of the table view. Any help here would be appreciated


  • yeah, basicly thats all I do....I sit at different corners of the tables ( providing I like the Flop %'s ) and tile them accordingly...the only thing that sucks about this, is when you are playing two different sites the tiles might not match up so you can not see all of them at once..
  • it's a matter of setting your screen at the right resolution 1600x1200 is big enough to get 4 screens with no overlap.

    To do that though i would recommend having either a 20-21" CRT or at least a 19" LCD ... otherwise that resolution isn't viable.

    When i started playing poker online i actually hade a 21" CRT and was doing lots of multi screening. Then the monitor busted and i just stuck a 17" on the computer, and played poker on my laptop.

    I'll be honest it was a mistake, and i'm going to go spend a few hundred and get another 21" crt now ... just for poker play mainly.
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