Full Tilt Poker Question

I was wondering if anyone has ever played REAL MONEY on this site? The interface looks kinda cool. I was just wondering if the site is legit and if they will actually give you your money on cashout? I was also wondering if there was many people playing at this site and how long they usually take to cashout to neteller? If ANYONE could help me with these answers it would be greatly appreciated.


  • Just in case it doesn't come across in the rest of the message -- I hate that site, the concept and anything else associated with it.

    I played there for a bit and made a $600 deposit to qualify for the WPT final tournament at Foxwoods last year. I thought the software was kinda hokey, but it worked reasonably well. The traffic was slow and the games were tight, but it was a beatable game.

    My beef comes when I was playing heads up against a pro, and didn't realize he was a pro because I had the avatars turned off (they flag the pros with a different avatar). I got off the table quickly, and noticed that his name was flagged in red in the lobby. So, I popped back to the table and asked him if he was a pro, to which he said yes. I was quite pissed off, and let him know it. Instead of saying that he would look into fixing the software, so when avatars are turned off, you can still identify the pros, he started mocking me. He keeps at it.

    So, here's the concept. Go to Full Tilt and play with the pros. If you don't bow down to them, they pretty much tell you where to stick it. They make money off the rake because they are part owners. They make money from playing which they say they donate to charity (I don't see this at their site, or any sort of public reconciliation, like we invested 10,000 in our pros, and they won XXX which was donated to the Tsunami relief). Hah. I think it goes to the "support my pain in the ass sister who can't stand being beat, Charity." You get some lame ass bonus which can take two months of playing full time, to earn.

    I had no problems with the cashout or deposit.

  • Which 'pro' did you play against, cause they have some what i would call lower level name players who play there, but i don't think those are the ones who donate etc... etc...

    I think win or lose, if i wanted the experience to play heads up against a pro, its a chance that i may take. Also i don't expect a pro player to bow down to me or vice versa.

    You play against them and that's poker. Beat the guy or lose money to them, but i don't think you should complain because you didn't know the guy was a pro. unless he was cheating etc... but if you lost money to him, live with it.
  • Chugs wrote:
    Which 'pro' did you play against, cause they have some what i would call lower level name players who play there, but i don't think those are the ones who donate etc... etc...

    I think win or lose, if i wanted the experience to play heads up against a pro, its a chance that i may take. Also i don't expect a pro player to bow down to me or vice versa.

    You play against them and that's poker. Beat the guy or lose money to them, but i don't think you should complain because you didn't know the guy was a pro. unless he was cheating etc... but if you lost money to him, live with it.

    Ok, you've touched a very sensitive nerve here. So even after a few months, and knowing you're a pretty cool guy, I'm still pissed. So, I must respond.

    I lose money all the time, every day. It doesn't bother me because I make more than I lose. I also play against pros on a regular basis. Sometimes I win, sometimes I lose. Most often I learn.

    Also, I will never play a player who is the house, regardless if they are a pro. Prop players, no problem. If it's a house player, then I really don't want to be sitting across from them. I really don't have ANY interest in playing agaisnt someone who is also part of the house. The worst part of it for me, was that the "house" was mocking me after they took my money. All that the guy needed to do was acknowledge that I had a right to be upset and they would look into making the software better. All he had to say was "hmmm, I'll see if we can change the software to flag us pros for players who have their avatars turned off".

    Imagine if you were playing at Pokerstars and you had a particularly bad session against a player heads up. You start bitching, and all of a sudden Lee Jones comes on and starts mocking your play. Then he says if you want to complain then you should go play him heads up. And he isn't even part owner of Pokerstars.

    So, if you want to play at a site where

    a) the owners play at the site,
    b) don't make their claims public -- they say they donate their winnings, but who knows?, and
    c) have the owners mock your play,

    well then you have the right site.

  • Fair enough magi,

    I actually think i get your point a bit more now. I just asked cause you get a few people who show up in red who aren't part of the big 9 who own the site. Those are the ones that donate there winnings etc... and the like. Mind you i haven't played on the site in a while, honestly didn't like it that much, but for most of the big name players it doesn't seem logical to not keep there word in this situation. Negative PR alone would kill them.

    So if you ended up playing against Perry Friedman, David Grey, Paul Wolfe (last two who seemed to always be online when i played there at the start) ... they aren't owners as much as semi-name players with personal avatars and some note (likely they play rake free and amount to glorified props).

    Now if you played against one of the top 9, and they did that... well i would be pissed and basicly consider them to be idiots for insulting a customer.

    Either way if i was you i would feel raw about the situation
  • So, if you want to play at a site where

    a) the owners play at the site,
    b) don't make their claims public -- they say they donate their winnings, but who knows?, and
    c) have the owners mock your play,

    well then you have the right site.

    Full Tilt has such a stupid base theory that it's amazing anyone would want to play there in the first place.. It supports the poor logic of "I'd be a winning player if I played against better opponents".. Why would I want to risk money playing with a pro? Whats the point? I won a $3.00 pot from Jesus? Whoop-de-doo..

    Anyway, Magi hit it on the head. Playing against a house player with unspecified bankroll seperation is VERY grey.
  • Thanks for all the responses guys. I just liked the look of there avatars, that is all.

    I didnt want to go there to play against a pro, because hell, I dont care whether I play against a pro or not.

    Anywho thanks for the replies.
  • I think he played Allan Cunningham. I think i read his post of RGP.

    The only thing I can say is, you got beat. Fighting it and making excuses is just petty. House player this, prop player that....you still got beat. You may say I am being an ass, I am saying complaining that you got beat doesn't help either. Learn from your mistake as all good poker players do, and just reflect on that match up that you had. They are not gods, they are human like me and you.
  • Also, I think FTP had a good debut during the summer with their FREEROLLS and such (not the $20 kinds, but the $200-$1000 kind). But I think the play is a bit too tight for my liking now. And i'll prefer to play the softer games!
  • Tilter wrote:
    I think he played Allan Cunningham. I think i read his post of RGP.

    The only thing I can say is, you got beat. Fighting it and making excuses is just petty. House player this, prop player that....you still got beat. You may say I am being an ass, I am saying complaining that you got beat doesn't help either. Learn from your mistake as all good poker players do, and just reflect on that match up that you had. They are not gods, they are human like me and you.

    You get to say what you want. I don't think your an ass. Somone asked what the thought of FTP. I stand by my opinion 100%.

  • Tilter wrote:
    I think he played Allan Cunningham. I think i read his post of RGP.

    The only thing I can say is, you got beat. Fighting it and making excuses is just petty. House player this, prop player that....you still got beat. You may say I am being an ass, I am saying complaining that you got beat doesn't help either. Learn from your mistake as all good poker players do, and just reflect on that match up that you had. They are not gods, they are human like me and you.

    I think the point is that the pro player has nothing really to lose, if he takes a cut plus hes a pro he will take your money no matter what. And i think you should be made aware who you are playing against especially at a site who boasts they have pros. I agree that playing with better players improves your play but also alot of ppl play for enjoyment and some extra cash once in a while, cuz if your playing to make money your delerious. How many players play poker online on any given day? how many win cmpared to lose on avg? I dont think its very fair to hide who you are at your own site. And yes he did get beat but so what he still is upset with a service a company provides and should have it addressed properly. If i were you i would write an e-mail, and explain i am sure they will accomodate you some how. If you goto wal mart and tell them ur upset with there service the guy at the door in the blue smock doesnt laugh and tell you to f*ck off.
  • JuiceMan wrote:
    If you goto wal mart and tell them ur upset with there service the guy at the door in the blue smock doesnt laugh and tell you to f*ck off.

    Thanks Juice -- that's exactly my point. Even worse, imagine me complaining to one of Sam Walton's kids and having him tell me where to stick my complaint. That's the real reason I didn't send my letter/e-mail and complain. I really have no interest in a remedy.

    I'm a marketer by profession, and have a half-dozon awesome marketing campaigns which cannot be duplicated by ANY site, using their stable of pros. They have an incredible opportunity, but are wasting it away by having the pros play at their site. That may work to start, but once you've played with Howard Lederer, the novelty's over. And, I can find more pros to play against at Pokerstars.

  • Full Tilt sucks!!!

    1. I think the software is UGLY.
    2. There are not enough decent sized, big money tournaments.
    3. Who wants to play a cash game against a pro?
  • ahh this was the thread i was looking for disreagrd my last one...

    good input though, very helpful
  • ahh this was the thread i was looking for disreagrd my last one...
    I deleted it, in the interests of forum space conservation. Hope that's cool!
  • Pro Schmo.... Thats poker folks.....

    I play on FTP and like it so far.. Yes I've played against Allen also it was 5/10 full but don't matter... I just adjust my game to him like I would any other good player...

    There are PRO's playing 2/4 and 3/6 limit on party!! least with FTP you got an advantage knowing who they are..
  • All I can say is WOW.

    1st of all Full tilt is legit and cash-outs are fast and smooth. The software and feel of the site is a personal choice, I happen to like it.

    The fact the some big name pro’s play at this site on a regular basis attracts a lot of wannbe’s (read: poor players), this is a good thing. The pro’s I’ve had experience playing with there have been friendly and helpful. I think it’s pretty cool to have a big name pro sit it on a $5 sit and go with me.

    As far as the “donate to charity” thing go’s, I guess I don’t really care. It’s there money once they win it. If they donate to charity - Great! If they blow it on hookers and booze, fill your boots boys, none of my business really.

    I enjoy Full Tilt; I have turned my $50 buy in to $900 (cashed out some no problem) and will continue to play there. They offer a wide variety of games, great tourneys, the players for the most part are very soft and inexperienced (a lot of new players attracted by the pro’s IMO) and the traffic is pretty good.

    My 2 cents
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