Goals re-visited

Well not off to a good start. Need to buckle down and take one steps backward to go two steps forward.

1. Run 3 successful West Side Events.

2. Deposit 100.00 January 1st and no more deposits. failed

3. Play every Sunday, Tuesday, and Thursday forum games

4. Represent the Tuesday group 12 times 1n 2011

5. Cash 55.00 stars for the group.

6. Win Royal Cup this year

7. MVP Royal Cup (if pinhead can do it so can I)

8. Beat Shar in a heads up match at Royal if she comes.

9. Have caught Shar in Awards by Royal Cup X if not by the end of the year

10. Cash at Falls View at least once. failed

11. Give love one more chance and get a girlfriend

12. Lose 100 December 31st 2011 -150 lbs by March 16th 2012 180 Dec 31, 2012

13. New Job

14. Be more positive at the tables handle bad beats better. failed

15. Have 1200.00 online by December 31, 2011

16. win at least once on the 11 daily deep stacks on stars

17, represent buy in bank in 2011

Prophet :2h :2s

PS winning HPT; Bristol; and Ching once each

Over under 6.5 of the 15


  • Call me a sap, but I like #11. It can and will happen. :)
  • Good luck on all the remaining ones Brent. You can also take a mulligan on 2 and 14 and get them right the second time around.
  • List updated, no need to continue in 2011, will see where life takes me outside of poker.

  • Kinda early in the year to give up... Poker is not the important thing in life...
  • I think Ive met you once before, at Buzzards, I can help you along with 12...what do you want to bet? Im actually serious and in all fairness..not a slam actually "help" whats it worth to you?

    Lets not get carried away either my bankroll probably isnt quite much as you heh!
  • getem76 wrote: »
    I think Ive met you once before, at Buzzards, I can help you along with 12...what do you want to bet? Im actually serious and in all fairness..not a slam actually "help" whats it worth to you?

    Lets not get carried away either my bankroll probably isnt quite much as you heh!

    Nice offer, hopefully it comes to fruition.. Brents a nice guy actually and really means well.

    One thing Brent, looking at your goals above, 14 of the 17 are poker related, do you not think that's a little heavily weighted towards poker. Perhaps come up with a new list outside of poker and lets see how we can realistically help. Trouble is with poker goals they are so dependant on luck, run good, et al that playing well does not guarantee success in the short term. One year is short term.
  • Success is not measured by how many times you get knocked down but rather by how many times you get back up.
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