How much should i make an hour?

Hey guys, i just finished a 3 hour session on empire poker. I played .50/1 for about a half hour and was down about 15$. then moved up to 1/2( iplay better here for some reason) for the other 21/2 hrs. I am up 65$ and also worked off 126 raked hands of my 175 need for my 35 dollar bonus. I was just wondering how good of a nihgt this is. including the 15 i lost then got back my total winning for the night is 80$. this works out to about 27 $ per hour so i was wondering how much i should expect to make per hour and if there is a standard rule for this sort of thing?? I am just now starting to see a pay off in low limit games. So i want to know ifd this is more then i should expect or less or what?


  • i think the general standard is 1BB/hour
    so you should make $1/hour playing .50/1?

    i just went thru my first night of hardcore limit and avg'd 20BB/hour... which i SURE is not normal... it seemed my pocket pairs always made a set
  • If you search BB/100 using the search feature you will find several posts that cover this topic pretty well. Give them a quick look...they have some good info:).
  • I don't think the 1BB/hr applies at lower limits. I make between 5-6 BB/hr playing .50/$1, and $1/$2 (based on around 60 limit sessions logged in Pokercharts). There are just so many bad players at these levels, that the income from their mistakes is much higher.

    There is also a lot of variance, which is why you need a large number of sessions to predict accurately. I've had sessions where I can make 40-50BB/hr, and I've had sessions where I catch a few tough beats, and loose my buyin pretty quick. ;)
  • At most sites you can multi-table.

    I suggest you play a single table to start at a level you feel comfortable. Once you are consistently beating the game, you can either move up a level or trying playing on 2 tables simultaneously. Get comfortable, add a table. Depending on your computer, you should be able to easily handle 4 tables in a full-ring game. I'm guessing you can make a minimum of 20BB per hour once you get good at it. After you are crushing this level regularly, step up a level but probably drop the number of tables until you get comfortable again. Lather, rinse, repeat.

    Over time, you'll find which combination of level and number of tables maximizes your win rate. I'm still pretty new at this and haven't spent enough time at it to figure out my optimum strategy. For now I'm at 1/2 with occasional forays into 2/4. During the big pokerstars promo, my best rate was 160 BB/hr but I don't expect my 'normal' rate to be anywhere near that. I think I did about 25BB/hr with 2 tables last night.

    Best of luck. Keep us posted on your progress.
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