Here we go again

I recently came off a long and very bankroll draining low in my game. I managed to get in the game placing in top 5 on a few tournys and making some money. I made a withdrawl and since then I cant win with 4 kings. I made a deposit today at the gaming club and I got my ass kicked again. It seems that every time I make a withdrawl,I lose whatever was left within a week. I checked pocker tracker, my game doesnt change, stats are the same. I know people are supposed have highs and lows but this is fucking unreal. Just today alone it was one bad beat after another. I got dealt AA 6 times, 2 in tournaments and 4 in rings and I only won once in a SNG tourny which I ended up losing to some fuck head holding K6 offsuit which of course took out my QQ on the river. My bankroll cant handle a low like this every month. Any suggestions, comments ideas etc on what to from here.

I play .50/1 rings and $5 and $10 SNG's and MTT's. I play on ROyal vegas poker and interpoker. I spend about 20 hours a week playing and about 50 hours a week reading about it since I cant play at work. I know all the odds and stats and everyting you should know. I've read books, and articles and I read this forum every day. One good thing I guess is that I managed to control my emotions and I don't tilt even after all this bs.



  • var·i·ance Audio pronunciation of "variance" ( P ) Pronunciation Key (vâr-ns, vr-)

    1. The act of varying.
    2. The state or quality of being variant or variable; a variation.
    3. A difference between what is expected and what actually occurs.
    2. The state or fact of differing or of being in conflict. See Synonyms at discord.
    3. Law.
    1. A discrepancy between two statements or documents in a proceeding.
    2. License to engage in an act contrary to a usual rule: a zoning variance.
    4. Statistics. The square of the standard deviation.

    You say you understand the stats and all. But do you really understand that you are playing a game where the very best hand versus the very worst hand only has an 85% chance of winning? I'm all for venting, but you are probably better off muttering to yourself than accusing poker sites of being rigged.
    One good thing I guess is that I managed to control my emotions and I don't tilt even after all this bs.

    Why do I find that hard to believe after I read your post?

    ANYWAY, Everyone will go through a -100BB swing at some point. You just probably hit yours.
  • BBC Z wrote:

    Why do I find that hard to believe after I read your post?

    Also finding it hard to believe, lol.

  • BBC Z wrote:

    Why do I find that hard to believe after I read your post?

    Also finding it hard to believe, lol. It's ok to admit that you get royally PO'd after a session like this, it's allowed you are only human.

  • What I meant is I dont let that affect my game like it has before. I still get po'd when I lose liek that, I just dont let it affect my game.
  • potty mouth :tongue:
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