Showing down the winning hand

I've been playing a bit lately on pacific, and while they don't have the greatest system for reviewing hands, they do have one.

Looking at it really made me understand that bottom line if you want to win in low-limit you have no choice but to show down the winning hand at the end.

Here are some interesting stats from my last two sittings on low limit pacific (2/4)

Play KISS poker: Keep it simple stupid, and just have a winning hand at the end. Also i think as long as you're drawing to the nuts, you can go a bit past the actual pot odds (not much or you'll be a just like them), because despite implied odds being more a NL construct in these games with 3 or 4 showing down, you actually do get the drawing odds

Session 1
Out of 59 Hands
In 58 of those the river card was seen
In 1 hand the flop was seen and betting ended on the flop
In that session I won a total of 7 hands with an average of 11.5BB in each pot

Session 2
Out of 147 hands
135 of them had the river card seen
10 ended on the flop or turn
2 ended pre-flop (both of which were me folding my SB)
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