Review of Absolute Poker

Recently, I've been trying out new poker sites and here's what I have to say about Absolute Poker:

It sucks.

Here's why. And I'm not giving the site a poor review because I lost money or because I took too many bad beats. I was actually up a very small amount after playing for a couple of weeks and withdrew my money because I hated the site -- but here are my reasons for disliking the site:

1. No Players!!! The multitable tournaments featured a fraction of the number you would find at PokerStars. I refer to PS because Absolute uses almost the exact same software (it's a poor-man's PokerStars). I entered one NLH $5 freezeout that had something like 20 entrants. Pitiful. There'd be hundreds playing the same tournament at PS.

2. No beep when it's your turn. This sounds petty until you've experienced it. I'm usually multitasking while I play and Absolute has no way of signalling you when it's your turn to act. You'll simply time out if you don't notice that it's your turn. C'mon guys, they can make computers talk. I'm just asking for a soft "beep" when it's my turn to act. Not only is it frustrating when you time out, but everyone else is timing out too!! Sometimes it takes two minutes to play a single hand because no one realizes that it's their turn.

3. Silly freerolls. If you're going to have a freeroll, make it worth our while. I mentioned earlier that there aren't many players on Absolute, except when there is a freeroll. All of a sudden everyone comes out of the woodwork. They hold frequent freerolls that are capped at 2500 players for a huge prizepool of $25. That's right, $25. Top 5 pay $5 each. How can you be motivated to try to plow through a field of 2500 people to try to win $5? It's completely asinine. They offer other freerolls where the winner gets an entry into a larger freeroll for bigger prizepools, but still. Let's be honest, the very thought of beating 2498 people in a tournament and winning nothing makes me ill.

4. Cash outs. This is the only site I've seen that makes you pay for a check to be delivered. It's like $8!!! It's free if you have NetTeller or the like, but I don't. Therefore, their policy sucks.

Anyways, that's my opinion. Take it or leave it. I'm currently on The Gaming Club, which I'm loving. Let me know if you've played on Absolute and whether you agree.



  • 1. Agreed
    2. Agreed, first few times I played there, had no idea it was my turn. The buttons blend too well into the background as well. Though they have made it look nicer since I first went on the site.
    3. Freerolls are pretty much useless there. Its cause they allow Play account players to participate as well. Sometimes I don't mind playing them, not the $25 one, while watching Tv or playing another table.
    4. Neteller is your friend! :)

    One thing I like about Absolute is there is always redeposit bonuses.
  • I'm actually a big Absolute fan!! I am constantly moving money in and out my poker accounts and Absolute is by far the best at doing this. Within and hour or two of my withdraw, it will be in my neteller account.

    I'm not worried about the lack of players because I don't play in the tourneys on this site, but there are plenty of players for the NL tables. I find the quality of players fairly weak and have made a lot of money.

    It's not one of the top sites but there are a lot of sites that I've played that are a lot worse than this one.
  • Absolute poker makes my computer freeze way too often, and the software has actually crashed on me a few times forcing me to close everything and log back it. Let's just say, I have not played there since.
  • I felt like I was in a rocket ship when I played there.

  • 3. Silly freerolls. If you're going to have a freeroll, make it worth our while. I mentioned earlier that there aren't many players on Absolute, except when there is a freeroll. All of a sudden everyone comes out of the woodwork. They hold frequent freerolls that are capped at 2500 players for a huge prizepool of $25. That's right, $25. Top 5 pay $5 each. How can you be motivated to try to plow through a field of 2500 people to try to win $5? It's completely asinine. They offer other freerolls where the winner gets an entry into a larger freeroll for bigger prizepools, but still. Let's be honest, the very thought of beating 2498 people in a tournament and winning nothing makes me ill.

    4. Cash outs. This is the only site I've seen that makes you pay for a check to be delivered. It's like $8!!! It's free if you have NetTeller or the like, but I don't. Therefore, their policy sucks.


    Re: #3 There freerolls are typically 1000 people or 1200 people for the WSOP Qualifier's. I have never seen more then 1200 people in a freeroll there.

    Re:#4 Yes, when I cashed out money I was dissapointed about having to pay $8, it's coming from Costa Rica.

    I also agree with the OSKid, I made a tonne of money there playing 3/6 and NL games. Not tournaments. If you are a tourny guy, go elsewhere.

  • if i can recall, in the newest update the added a beep when its your turn, even when the sound is off.

    im 99% sure of this, but i think the beep is quiet, and it only does it once

    after playing pokerstars there are a lot of things that i feel absolute lacks. esp the realistic card turning when a player is all-in. i hate checking the hand history to actually find out wth happened.

    then again, most site are like this, but absolute might be the fastest lol

    anyway, i really like hte site in terms of making money--the players are fairly weak in ring games and the sngs are easy to money in. i dont play a lot of tournaments, but early in my career i actually won a 1000 person freeroll--for a whopping $15!! if i had come second (for $0) i wouldve been supremely pissed.

    anyway, its bonuses are relatively easy to clear too, i find. especially when youre constantly up--that definitely makes clearing bonuses easier as well. :D
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