stars 215$ and forum peeps

Gl! Gl! Gl! Gl! Gl! Gl! Gl!


  • I'm watching Harthgosh and All Aces playing, anyone else involved?....edit...Garro and timesmog too.
  • Good luck today guys, ijst got in from 4 days away, missed the start by a few hours, Ill come check on ya's.
  • All Aces is in 6th with 250 players remaining, Harthgosh went out in 260th with 99 vs. QQ vs (short stacked A7 suited) QQ held up. Nice tourny. GL aces. 6th pays 17K by the way...225 get paid.
  • tx guys, will do my best!
  • You are doing great "All Aces" - congrats on making the money!

    Now, go for the gold!

  • Good luck AA, I am watching and rooting for ya.
  • Great stuff all_aces!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • good watching ... tough spot at the end A4 vs AJ.

    to bad the best hand won this time ... online poker must be rigged :)
  • Good job on the 31st place finish! I started watching into the first hour of play. Watched garro for a bit too. Watched you get sucked out on the runner runner straight and flush almost back to back. AQ vs AJ. Well played.
  • lol yeah... he'd raised my BB from UTG 3 times in a row. So I re-raised allin with about 140K after my 20K BB was in with A4o, hoping he'd fold for the additional 80K or so. He did not, he had AJo lol... I think I finished 31st or so. Thanks to all who watched for your support. I'll try and at least make the final table next time!

  • gj aces, it was fun to watch you and all the swings, i watched you from pretty much u had just over 2k and the blinds were 200/400 w/ 25 or 50 ante i think, from what i watched, you won most of the coinflips and a lot of the times you were just ahead w/ like AK vs AJ and AQ vs AJ (tought beat w/ J on turn....) and alot of times where u'd dominate w/ A-paint vs A-rag
    i noticed alot of your pocket pairs held up as well... excellent work, congrats and enjoy the $1600 or so u pocketed. you definately made some good moves to move all the way from 2k to just under 200k from when i was watching

  • tx Pigga. It hurts to think about how I blew all of my hard-earned stack on one boneheaded play, but those 'boneheaded plays' are (in part) what got me that far in the first place.

    I REEEEEEALLY wanted him to fold. ;)
  • Congrats on the great finish Aces. My finish was much less exciting.

    In the BB dealt A6 os chip leader at my table is in the SB. Folded to the Small Blind. SB calls, I check.

    Flop is J94 rainbow. SB Checks. I Check. Turn is a Ace. SB goes all-in. My brain says fold, it's not worth risking your meager stack on a pair of Aces bad kicker. but no my heart over rules my brain and I call. SB has J9 for 2 pair and the river brings a J for a full house Jacks over 9's and I am done. Out around the 500 player mark.

    Still it only cost me $13 dollars to play so not a huge loss but it would have been nice to make it further.
  • I'll try to tune in again on Sunday. I sent this to support yesterday...

    Lee Jones said the the final table was the largest $200 event in PS
    history. I see there were 2259 entrants at $200 each.

    My suggestion is to upgrade this tourn to a $500,000 guaranteed event.
    A 'half a million' Guaranteed Prize Pool is so much nicer to say.

    and received...

    Thank you for your suggestion; however, at the moment such a guarantee
    would be likely to ensure that we must pay out something in the
    neighbourhood of $40,000. We may increase the guarantee, but likely not to
    this level.


  • there is actually a $500,000 gauranteed tourny on halloween (oct31st) @ PStars...
  • And the $215 normal sunday tourney is now 350k minimum instead of 250k. Maybe you guys had an impact. lol
  • For sure. My cut is quite modest. :D
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