Super Chip Deal

Just a FYI. If you have ever wanted to get chips/upgrade your chips, this is it. is running a special group buy of clay chips. The CT members came up with the design and the manufacturer is offering them at a special price. $.30/chip. This is less than 50% of what you would pay for a clay chip elsewhere, especially considering you are getting a custom design label that is not available anywhere else.

For comparison purposes here are the exact same chips, from a couple resellers:

No labels:
ProGen 80 Hi-Grade Poker Chips

Casino Royale bond replica labels:
10 Gram Wallson Poker Chips

You will also note that since these chips are manufacturer direct, and not coming from a resller that there are additional colour options that have not been made available to the resellers yet - the yellow, pink and charcoal chips.

This is the design:


The order thread is here:


I'm all chipped out. I'm not getting any of these but I do have a couple of samples at my house if anyone is interested in checking these out.

If you like the design, you will like the quality of these chips.


  • thanks for the heads up Moose.
  • Moose
    I have a set of non descript chips at the golf club, But this would be a lot classier with one of those world famous table toppers.
    What quanities do you think I would need?
    I thought:

    250 1.00
    100 5.00
    75 10.00
    50 25.00
    25 100.00

    That should be enough for a 100.00 buy-in with generally 6-8 players?
    My pop up stops me from getting to your link, and trying to find stuff on the site I find impossible. Is there a secret handshake?

    Milton Slim
  • Go to

    from Store menu at top
    select Marketplace forums

    then offers

    the order thread will be right under all the sticky threads.

    Figure it out by breakdown.

    You will need quarters for the blinds unless you are playing 1/2 $100 max.

    10 people, per person starting stacks for .50/1.00 $100 max:
    12 $.25 = $3.00 Total 120
    12 $1 = $12 Total 120
    12 $5 = $60 Total 120
    1 $25 = $25 Total 10
    Total $100

    So to round it out you could get:
    120 $.25 Total $30
    160 $1 Total $160 or (120)
    120 $5 Total $600 (160)
    70 $10 Total $700
    20 $25 Total $500
    10 $100 Total $1000

    Total cash value: $2990 or $(3150)

    That's a convienent breakdown but for actual play, $10s are handy chips because most people bring 20s instead of 50s, so you could drop the $25 from your starting stack and use 10s and 5s but then you have 13 5s, which some people may not like ;)

    Or you could use that starting stack but hand out only 10s and 25s for reloads, depending on what bills people have.
  • Thanks

    1/2 is the game, that's why I didn't get any of the .25

    Right now we do

    10 1.00 10.00
    10 2.00 20.00
    14 5.00 70.00

    But I didn.t see that they had any 2.00 chips

    Do you suggest a different breakdown?

    Milton Slim
  • Moose
    They say that you can order any denominations, Could I get 2.00 chips then?
    I assume I need to register to get my order processed?

    Your vast wealth of chip knowledge appreciated

    Milton Slim
  • OK
    How about

    150 1.00 150.00
    150 2.00 300.00
    100 5.00 500.00
    50 10.00 500.00
    50 25.00 1250.00

    would that be enough?

    Could still do:

    10 1.00
    10 2.00
    14 5.00

    and use 10.00 and 25.00 for re-buys. Too many 1.00's or not enough 5.00's?

    in advance

    Milton SLim
  • You could get the yellow NCV's at the top and make them worth $2. Personally I wouldn't use that many denoms in play.

    $1/2 nl? I think I need to take up golf again. I'll make another post about 1/2nl breakdowns, though Kristy also would be able to help.
  • Damn those are nice looking chips, Moose. Thanks for the post. It's just in time for Father's Day, too. Now all I have to do is leave this thread open on the 'puter while my wife comes down to watch some TV. Yeah, I'm THAT subtle.
  • moose wrote: »
    You could get the yellow NCV's at the top and make them worth $2. Personally I wouldn't use that many denoms in play.

    $1/2 nl? I think I need to take up golf again. I'll make another post about 1/2nl breakdowns, though Kristy also would be able to help.

    Thanks moose
    Either you or Kristy can suggest the breakdown, as you know, I'm easy!
    No golf for you!! You have your own ponds to fish in

    Milton Slim
  • ddmilcan wrote: »
    How about

    150 1.00 150.00
    150 2.00 300.00
    100 5.00 500.00
    50 10.00 500.00
    50 25.00 1250.00

    would that be enough?

    Could still do:

    10 1.00
    10 2.00
    14 5.00

    and use 10.00 and 25.00 for re-buys. Too many 1.00's or not enough 5.00's?

    in advance

    Milton SLim

    Too many different denominations.
    Having lots of 1's and 5's speeds the game up since people don't have to make change.
    I'd do like the casinos and have only 1, 5, and 25.
    Say 300x$1, 700x$5, 100x$25

    The most used chip in a 1/2 game is the $5.

    You may want to get a few $100 chips for rebuys...

    Are you playing 1/2 500max buyin?
  • Too many different denominations.
    Having lots of 1's and 5's speeds the game up since people don't have to make change.
    I'd do like the casinos and have only 1, 5, and 25.
    Say 300x$1, 700x$5, 100x$25

    The most used chip in a 1/2 game is the $5.

    You may want to get a few $100 chips for rebuys...

    Are you playing 1/2 500max buyin?

    Good point, compare to the casino (no 2.00's)
    Want to try to only get about 500, because I need to store them in a locker with my "WORLD FAMOUS TABLE TOPPER"

    The game is not too agressive, 100.00 buy in and about 4-5 re-buys during a normal night.

    How about:

    150 1.00 150.00
    150 5.00 750.00
    100 10.00 1000.00
    100 25.00 2500.00

    Go with me here. I did reduce the denominations, but the chips are sooo pretty, I selfishly wanted at least four colours

    As always input appreciated

    Milton Slim
  • So 1300-1500 on the table in a typical night. You don't need that many 25s. Get more 5s and 10 100s to cover the big nights.

    5s are the workhorse chip in 1/2
  • IMHO, for 1/2 all you want is $5 and $1. It makes it so much easier to count somebodies stack without making it obvious you are eyeballing their chips. It also makes it easier to keep track of pot size.
  • FYI the deadline for this is Jun 30.
  • ddmilcan wrote: »
    Good point, compare to the casino (no 2.00's)
    Want to try to only get about 500, because I need to store them in a locker with my "WORLD FAMOUS TABLE TOPPER"

    The game is not too agressive, 100.00 buy in and about 4-5 re-buys during a normal night.

    How about:

    150 1.00 150.00
    150 5.00 750.00
    100 10.00 1000.00
    100 25.00 2500.00

    Go with me here. I did reduce the denominations, but the chips are sooo pretty, I selfishly wanted at least four colours

    As always input appreciated

    Milton Slim

    Moose has the right idea.

    If you want 4 denominations go 1, 5, 25, and 100.

    For 500 chips

    10* $100
    40* $25
    150* $1
    300+ * $5

    If you go with a 700 piece set just add 200 more $5 chips.
    You can't have too many red chips for a 1/2 game.
  • Ordered 500

    1's , Mostly 5's, 10's, 25's and a few 100's

    Should fit for the game.

    Milton "They call me Mr. Chips" Slim
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