Anyone else notice this pattern??

I just started playing sngs again and have noticed (and I know I noticed this in the past as well) that I can beat the $22 and $33 games at a much higher rate than the $11s.

ie -- Hundreds of games in both (300ish in both):

$11 6max sngs (mainly PLO but I think that's irrelevant) -- ROI 5%

$22 6max sngs as above -- ROI 45%

I am fairly sure that the >>>>ROI is due to the more aggro play early on in games > $11. Just wondering if anyone else has seen such dramatic change in ROI wrt buy-in. 300/buy-in isn't a hugeeee sample size, but I think it's relevant.


  • It is because you moved up to where they respect your raises.

    It has to be a combo of run good vs. run bad in the sample size. I have no idea of what the long run represents as far a SNG's but I know it is WAY more than 300.
  • I probably agree, but I have to say that in the PLO sngs there is generally much different play in the 11s vs the 22s or 33s. In the 11s players seem to cling to their chips more whereas in the 22/33s they gamble early. I think this makes it easier to stack someone in the 22/33s early and get ITM. Also, if you're card dead in the 22/33s you can sit it out a bit and get to 3/4 handed pretty easily where a good gamble can get you into 2nd in one hand.
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