interesting spot on a 3bet pot

A full house, Fives full of Aces wins over a flush, Ace high - Poker Hand Replays
villian VPIP 59, PF 18 3bet 18. Af 2.1
this is interesting spot with 3pot bet
i almost folded on the turn, but since he could just have trip A i can beat.
perhaps i was too weak to go allin, and actually happy to get a cheap showdown.
i like to see how you guys would of play it.


  • A few hands that you can't beat here (AA,KK,AK,A7) but against a villian with those stats I think I'm shoving on the river.
  • That is an interesting hand Chuckie.

    I would fold to a normal 3 bet but his bet sizing sucks so I like the call pre-flop. LOL 3 bet min raise OOP is terrible.

    I probably shove the turn over his donk bet but flatting is not terrible for the reason that your turn call makes the pot big enough that he really can't fold to a shove on the river. $100 in the pot with 68 behind he's pretty much gotta call off on the river.

    Why did you not shove?
  • cadillac wrote: »
    That is an interesting hand Chuckie.

    I would fold to a normal 3 bet but his bet sizing sucks so I like the call pre-flop. LOL 3 bet min raise OOP is terrible.

    I probably shove the turn over his donk bet but flatting is not terrible for the reason that your turn call makes the pot big enough that he really can't fold to a shove on the river. $100 in the pot with 68 behind he's pretty much gotta call off on the river.

    Why did you not shove?

    the villian is a maniac
    they lead out, bet big with trash or air all the time.
    when he check on the kind of set off my warning alarm.
    the only hand maniac won't bet is the nutz.
    but i fire a 1/2 pot size bet as a probe bet maybe he miss it and he put me on AK.
    when he call flat call that flop bet,......2nd warning alarm went off.
    maniac never check call......
    i'm done with my hand at that point.
    then i hit the 5 on the turn.
    which i don't know if that is good or bad, i could be drawing to 1 out.
    he donk bet the turn because possible flush draw, so which made me think
    1) he only have trip A, and protect his hand
    2) he is sitting with boat, and hope i have flush draw.
    so i flat call it.
    the river he bet tiny in relation to the pot
    1) i feel like he is hoping i made flush, and came over the top.
    2) trip A doing a block bet.
    since villian is a maniac, i sort of discount the idea that is a block bet.
    I am getting a very good price on the river, so folding is not an option.

    the way he play that hand, it's kinda throw me off read.
    i was in one of those spot where i got improve but i am not sure if that is enough.
    I took the passive line.
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