Best strategy for playing in a drunken stupor?

What's your best strategy for drinking lots of free booze and playing poker at Seneca?


  • What's your best strategy for drinking lots of free booze and playing poker at Seneca?

    Play with money that doesn't really matter if you lose. Seriously if you can't afford to lose it play sober.
  • What's your best strategy for drinking lots of free booze and playing poker at Seneca?

    Tip the waitresses well.

  • What's your best strategy for drinking lots of free booze and playing poker at Seneca?

    Tip the waitresses well.

    Don't propose marriage to them...
  • moose wrote: »
    Tip the waitresses well.

    Don't propose marriage to them...

    Hey! She didn't mind! :)

  • The best strategy for playing drunk is of course don't. Failing that, short stack and play like a rock - if you can play like a rock while drunk its a lot of fun.
  • I studied the leading authority on this subject: Haddon, at Seneca last year.

    First of all, you need to make friends with a person who doesn't drink because you can only order one at a time at Seneca..but they don't mind if someone gives you 'their drink'

    (Haddon also had seats 3,5 and 8 ordering Jack and cokes when we went early last year)

    Second, when you sit down- you need to have someone ELSE at your table cut off...this puts you off the management's radar. (remember later that it is ok to tell this person that you are playing stack-a-retard and act impressed that the magnetic strip still works on their bank card causing them to lose about $1k at 1/2nl)

    Next you have to sing one line of a Disney song repeatedly until it gets to the point that your entire table shudders each time they hear "Everybody wants to be a cat"

    Lose most of your money running kk into aa-

    Tell table you're just 'gonna go turn a trick' to get your next buy-in and to hold your seat

    Come back in about 15 mins, throw a crumpled $100 on the table and insist loudly that the waitress give you two drinks to 'get the taste out of your mouth'

    Lose that on another bad beat

    Lose track of most of your friends until the repeated calls by the dealer for the floor help us to find your table. Proceed to instruct them to order Jack and Cokes for you when they sit.

    And then, before you leave the casino just win it all back+Bonus at Wheel of Fortune

    At least to the best of my memory that's how he did it.
  • LOL...I'm glad you found this thread Graham, I'd forgotton about Haddon's casino hijinx...most fun ever had in a casino!

    Where is Haddon?
  • When drinking and playing poker remember to always look drunker then you actually are.
  • When drinking and playing poker remember to always look drunker then you actually are.

    Drtyore is the master of this.
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