Poker books - back up for sale

I have a bunch of poker books back up for sale:

Harringon on Hold Em Vol 1 - Harrington
Harringon on Hold Em Vol 2 - Harrington
Harringon on Hold Em Vol 3 - Harrington
No Limit Theory and Practice - Sklansky/Miller
Hold Em Poker - Carson
The Theory of Poker - Sklansky
The Book of Bluffs - Lessinger
The Book of Tells - Caro
Hold Em Poker for Advanced Players - Sklansky/Malmuth
Making the Final Table - Lindgren
The Making of a Poker Player - Matros
Small Stakes Hold Em - Sklansky/Malmuth/Miller
Zen and the Art of Poker - Phillips
One of a Kind - Dalla

The set has been sold. Thanks!


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