where can you get good prices on oddi TT cars

thanks alot let me know used mostly


  • Cole, it's Audi TT, not oddi TT.

    Try www.autotrader.ca

  • Thank god for your translation because I had no idea what he was talking about.
  • I thought "Oddity"....

    Like maybe he was trying to buy a gremlin or something

  • Looks you you've been researching for awhile Woods.

    I highly recommend the choice you've made.
  • here's one on Ebay
  • Guelph Regals - Cole Woods
    What's that all about?
    Matt is playing Sr. with Wellington

    Good Luck

    Milton Slim
  • I've seen a million Audi TTs here in Germany!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Cole, I don't think that I'll be able to clear customs with one though!


    ps..yes, I'm a donk for checking the forum from Germany. Bite me.
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