Website Design

I am looking for someone to develope a website for me. I think it is fairly simple concept. If anyone is interested let me know and I can send you the details as to what I am looking for in the website.

West Side Poker Club


  • Hey Brent I can create it for you. You just need someone to host it.
  • tough to find someone who can do this successfully. good luck!
  • Hey Brent, I've designed many websites and an very interested designing and creating a site for you. I first design the website in Photoshop and then make it easily editable in Dreamweaver.

  • Already been done.
  • Oh alright, that's cool.

    Well, if anyone else is interested, let me know!

  • I would definitely be interested if someone wanted to design a website for me, I would split the profits from the adsense revenues with you!
  • Anyone here who has or is planning to open up a poker site and need writers let me know. I'm an accomplished writer and have a mini website of my own. :)
  • I need a website created, pretty urgent.

  • Need a few things altered on a template (colour scheme, upload logo) msg/email me if possible.

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