Is this a normal payout table?

2500 entries, and top 20 get paid? Isnt that a little top heavy?

Just played for 4 hours, and finished 28th, and got diddly squat out of it. Last hand my AK loses to QQ, no improvement. :( Would have been in 4th position if I won it.

Although early did flop quad Jacks and quintupled out of it.. thats always nice. :)



  • As a guide, typical multi-table tournaments (other than satellites) pay out roughly 10% of the spots. So, yes, 20 spots paid when there should be ~250 seems extremely unusual.

  • grazzt wrote:
    2500 entries, and top 20 get paid? Isnt that a little top heavy?

    Just played for 4 hours, and finished 28th, and got diddly squat out of it. Last hand my AK loses to QQ, no improvement. :( Would have been in 4th position if I won it.

    Although early did flop quad Jacks and quintupled out of it.. thats always nice. :)


    Sounds like a freeroll to me. In that case, it's the norm to only pay a ridiculously small number of spots.
  • Was gonna say the same, prob a low value freeroll. Can't really pay out 250 people when the total prize pool is only $100.
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