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MTT Strategy
This forum is for all tournament poker strategy for MTTs (Multi Table Tournaments).
turned the nuts
fu - if anyone was drawing to the flush it would've been me
Flop decision v players who bets 80% of the flops
min4bet with AA ---> bad?
Where do i find these full tilt tourney's?
What would you do?
UB $55mtt A6s utg bad shove?
77 spot deep in the 33k yesterday
can i just shove this pre flop please?
...and can i get away from this....
Does this move make sense?
$11 Deep Stack Tourny FTP - A high FD on flop vs 2bets
Odds check-up: Why does he fold?
Live- Shove, do you call here?
Thoughts on river overshove
AK early in an MTT
nut straight at the flop
Final Table Retarded AK spot
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