Results from West Side Poker Club September 23rd tournament

Again, we apologize for the change in formats. We had a great time yesterday. We had 55 people in total out of the 75 people who signed up for this tournament. We are getting closer to starting on time with each tournament, and by 12:15 pm we were underway.

I enjoyed walking around seeing well-known forum members doing well. Qtjen, g2, shopsy, carmaker, all had a substantial amount of chips in through out the middle part of the tournament. I think there were 3 tables left and I thought to myself g2 or shopsy might win today. I guess I jinxed them, because neither did, although shopsy did make it to the final table.

The top 5 players paid

1. Randy 1250.00
2. Shane 675.00
3. Jeff P 400.00
4. Karl 275.00
5. Andre F 150.00

The record for bounties was not broken today. Shane had the most with 5 bounties.

Randy was the short stack with 13000 chips at the final table and Jeff the chip leader had 97, 000. The turning point of the tournament was when Randy had top pair with a ragged board and the top card being a 9 called the chip leaders all in believing he missed the board and was trying to buy the pot. Jeff P, turned over pocket JJ. Randy hit the 9 on the river for trips and took a 100 000 pot and from there it was a matter of time before he won.

It was a fun day. pkrfce9 you should have stayed, the cash game went till 1:00 am.

Again, thanks to all who came out, we hope to do it again next month.

Brent and Cam


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