Anyone interested in an afternoon game this Saturday in K-W???

My uncle and I are looking at hosting a 4 table tournament this  Saturday at 3:00pm. This will be a $20 buy-in, with each person getting 4000 chips. The blinds will be as follows:

25-50          40 minutes
50-100        20 minutes
75-150        20 minutes
100-200      20 minutes
200-400      20 minutes
300-600      20 minutes
400-800      20 minutes
500-1000    20 minutes
600-1200    20 minutes
700-1400    20 minutes
and will continue every 20 minutes

1. 2bullets                11. Lenny               21. DrTyore            31.
2. Trapdoor              12. Kelly                 22.                        32.
3. Lonnie                  13. Mike                 23.
4. Chris                     14. Gord                24.
5. Curtis                    15. Kevin               25.
6. Bob                      16. Jay Le              26.
7. Cindy                    17. Dan                 27.
8. Jay La                   18. John                28.   
9. Chris                     19. Rick                 29.
10. Tracy                  20. Al                    30.

The game will be held in the Doon area by Pioneer Park Plaza. Please post or email for the address and directions. Hope to see you there!!!

:as :ah


  • This Saturday as in tomorrow? West Side...

    If it's next Saturday, Sept 30th, I might be in. I'll let you know.

  • Is this today at 3pm?
  • where is the game being played?...I'm In
  • Hello,

    The game is being played in Kitchener, near Connestoga College. Please phone me at 519-496-1358 for address and directions. The game is today at 3:00pm

    :as :ah
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