Tonight in guelph?? Check the bottom of the thread

Check the bottom of the thread for the new post....
if we can get 8 we're doing this..i think tim, haren and maybe sandro and mir are in already


  • Both times are good for me on Saturday but i would rather play at 5 than at 7. Sunday is a no go since i have to work that night. STUPID WORK.
  • saturday Im busy
    Sunday im busy now as well
  • Only late Saturday and ok Sunday.... Saturday night might be good, that way i don't miss any football on sunday...


    either night good
  • Thanks Mark, can't play this weekend. In Montreal.
  • A friend and I are playing at West Side Poker Club, but in case we both bust out early, we may be interested in a 7 PM game for $20 (no bounty). Please PM the address and directions.
  • Hi, I would be intrested in joining for Saturday if you looking for some new blood. Just need to know where? Just curious what your pay-out structure is, top ???
  • typically my pay out structure is top 3 with 10 players...we play it by ear otherwise.....
  • I dont know if i have enough confirmed players to play this game this weekend... :(

    Uhh, i'll need at least 8 to make it worth while..and right now i think i'm at 3 confirmed, and like 4 maybe's..unfortunatly i can't run a game with those numbers! :(
    Maybe i'll just head up to the westside cash games! :)
    good luck this weekend ya'll!
  • Im in for a Saturday game...5 or 7pm. I don't care. let me know asap as westside starts at 11am and I am thinking of going there....
  • I'm also new but i'll play as well if you need players ... i usually play in k/w but just moved to guelph
  • this post is over a week old please ignore it
  • maybe i'll start ignoring YOU! lol

    wasn't sure if people were interested in a game this week 7:30?
    who's in?!
    if we can get 8, it's ON ya'll!
  • if you get enough people i might be interested in playing
    i will keeping checking the post.

  • So far we have

    1. Mark
    2. Vicki (maybe)
    3. Haren
    4. Timmeh
  • alright, once again..not enough interest to run tonight!
    hopefully we'll have one again soon!
  • Hey there

    is there a chance that there will be a game Tuesday?  if not I guess I could head to the Rock...
    haven't been out there on a tues in awhile..

  • hmm....

    yeah, i'll probly host tuesday if i can get the people!
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