
It's Thursday, and what usually is a day filled with anticipation, is now empty.  I thought I could handle it.  Online is like donks on parade.
The money that once comforted me at night, is running low.

What's next for me. Reading!?  I don't want to go crazy like those guys who play imaginary baseball seasons in their head.

What are you guys doing in the off season?


  • Playing imaginary baseball in my head. :D LOADS of fun!!! But you're an engineer, you wouldn't understand :D
  • Get Mrs BD to give you a lube, oil and filter.
  • pkrfce9 wrote:
    Get Mrs BD to give you a lube, oil and filter.

    Or a paint brush! :D
  • I'm working my ass off and not worrying about how I"m gonna get to AJ's. I actually slept for a whole 6 hours too..... better than imaginary baseball.
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