This weekend in KW?

I've got the itch again!

I'm willing to host a night of cheap SNGs. Maybe Stud, PLO and NLHE, of course.

Friday Night, September 22,2006.

All games in my house are BYOB, BYOF (Pepi's) and are RAKE FREE.

If anyone is interested post or PM.


1. Johnnie
2. Drtyore
3. King Mob ???
4. Mario
5. g2 ???
6. moose ???


  • Sorry Johnnie, can't make it. I'm hosting a private game with my friends. $0.01/$0.02 HAHAHAHA!!!!!!!

  • g2 wrote:
    Sorry Johnnie, can't make it. I'm hosting a private game with my friends.

  • JohnnieH wrote:
    g2 wrote:
    Sorry Johnnie, can't make it. I'm hosting a private game with my friends.

    Don't be sad Johnnie, if I have an extra seat at my $0.01/$0.02 game you're the first guy I will call!

  • I'm probably in for either

  • Sorry, provincials for softball this weekend in Niagara Falls otherwise I could see myself there.

  • What time were you thinking of starting?

    Dave Kostis.
  • King Mob wrote:
    What time were you thinking of starting?

    Dave Kostis.

    About are always welcome to show up later if you need to, Dave!

    I've started a list. Post or PM for directions.
    Mark, check on Mario would ya?

    Shannon, good luck with Softball, I want to see some good sportsmanship.
    Do your best!!
  • I wish I could Johnnie, I have a golf tourney tomorrow and Rogers is paying the tab whoo hoo!

    If I get done at a decent time (noon tee off) and the wife will let me out I may show up later?
  • I just realized it's my sister's b-day on the 22nd...

    So I may have to make a quick phone call... I'm still in

  • Well it looks llike we only have a couple.
  • Can't make it, but look forward to playing with you in a few weeks!
  • beanie42 wrote:
    Can't make it, but look forward to playing with you in a few weeks!

    Thanks Trev.

    Have a good trip to "The Magic Kingdom" You've earned it.

  • JohnnieH wrote:
    beanie42 wrote:
    Can't make it, but look forward to playing with you in a few weeks!

    Thanks Trev.

    Have a good trip to "The Magic Kingdom" You've earned it.


    If that was said to anyone else, I would have been thinking of a MUCH different destination

  • Send me your address. I might pop by for a few pops. But I can't get there until after 10pm.
  • I'm here and able to play.
  • Change of plans... I might be in... but won't be able to confirm until tomorrow afternoon.

  • ItsaMe wrote:
    I'm here and able to play.
    g2 wrote:
    Change of plans... I might be in... but won't be able to confirm until tomorrow afternoon.

    List updated with new players and question marks!
  • So... is this on? How much we talking? $10 SNG's?

  • DrTyore wrote:
    I just realized it's my sister's b-day on the 22nd...

      So I may have to make a quick phone call... I'm still in


    That's my wife's birthday too and somehow I don't think a phone call will cut it..... :D

  • DrTyore wrote:
    So... is this on? How much we talking? $10 SNG's?


    So far so good. It looks like we have 3 for sure, with a few 'maybes', and a couple of 'late maybes'.

    Yes, $10 for each SnG.
  • Johnnie I am in !!!!!!!!! WOOOOOOOOOOOO

  • Hey Johnnie

    Sorry I didn't let you know I couldn't make it. I thought the game was on Saturday until Mark called to give me lift (thanks for the offer Mark).

    Dave Kostis.
  • Hey John, game going on?...wanna give me yur address and phone #.....Quinn
  • Hey John, game going on?...wanna give me yur address and phone #.....Quinn

    Sorry, the game was last night. I wouldn't open up a game on the same night as another local tournament. Today was Westside, also I was at the Jays game.

    Next time I host, I'll send you a PM.


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