Season 4....Suggestions

For season 4 I would like to suggest we start in the middle of October either the 12th or the 19th.

That way we all get a few weeks off and are not just jumping back into it. Also I think we should do a complete update with contact information and e-mail addresses so people can get in touch with each other, as the current list we have is out of date

I know I have a few books I would like to read before starting up again.

If any one else has any suggestions please post here.


  • The main reason the start of Season 4 was to be on Sept 28 was to ensure that the TOC game would be completed before Christmas (current date for Season 4 TOC was Dec 21). However, if everyone agrees to move it out past Christmas, I have no problem with it.

    Secondly, an updated contact list WOULD be appreciated. I tried to call a couple of you recently only to find out either the numbers I had were no longer in service, or the number you gave me original was for a local massage house (which btw, I GREATLY appreciate :D ).

    And it would be nice to find time to review some of my library once again.

    As Chris has said, please post your preference to when you would like to see the next season start...either ASAP or mid October?
  • Well I was thinking how the first season went and we did a bit of a break for Christmas, also I thinking having the TOC on the 21st of December is a little too close to Christmas and people may have Christmas parties or going away. If we have it in the New Year less chance people won't be able to make it.
  • Oh, I've been sooo waiting for the "next season suggestion" post!!!


    1. July 6th, Greg stepped on my toe during table change, this caused me much discomfort, and I lost the match. Solution: personal injuries should have a penalty.
    2. July 20th, Allan had bad breath, and I had to spend the entire first half facing left. Solution: toothpaste should be provided and any player can call "BRUSH!" on any offending player.
    3. August 24th, RJ (AJ's dog) ate 2 green chips from my stack, and no one believed me. Solution: dog's stool should be examined after each game.

    More to come...
  • Ok, short of putting a contract out on EL, there must be a way for some of the rest of us (or me) to have a shot at being champ.  The point structure is great, but it still favors the most winningest player (I know winingest isn’t a word), which could lead to more double crowns. I suggest keeping the points structure but mixing in some wildcard points, that have nothing to do with ranking.

    The following are only suggestions:

    Nice hand points
    25pts for best bad beat of the game.
    25pts for toughest laydown (ie folding JJ pre-flop)
    30pts for quads
    50pts for straight flush
    100pts for royal
    20pts for getting your Aces cracked
    25pts for cracking Aces.
    -25pts for any champ who subsequently chumps.

    Style points
    5pts for calling blind
    7pts for blind straddle
    1pt best chip trick
    10pts for raising with any two non face cards (Oh wait a minute, that would mean Joe would run away with the title)
    25pts for summoning cards (Derek will never get this)
    -1pt any shame fold
    Etc. etc.

    I realize this can get real complicated real quick.  In order not to over tax AJ with all the point calculations, I will volunteer to be wild card points tabulator.
  • Oh, I've been sooo waiting for the "next season suggestion" post!!!


    1. July 6th, Greg stepped on my toe during table change, this caused me much discomfort, and I lost the match.  Solution: personal injuries should have a penalty.

    Safety Toe Shoes will be made mandatory, however, the first person to kick someone's shin under the table in an attempt to signal a hand, will be forced to wear their steel toe shoes up their arse.
    2. July 20th, Allan had bad breath, and I had to spend the entire first half facing left. Solution: toothpaste should be provided and any player can call "BRUSH!" on any offending player.

    Breath mints, chewing gum, and sugarry sweet candies ARE available from the rather modest prices
    3. August 24th, RJ (AJ's dog) ate 2 green chips from my stack, and no one believed me.  Solution: dog's stool should be examined after each game.

    I'll speak to RJ about this accusuation you seem to be making.  However, everyone has been been told at the beginning of each season and game, that ANYTHING on the  floor is the property of the dog's.  This includes, and is NOT limited to chips, shoes, socks, sandels, cards, and snack food.

    Also, if you would like to volunteer to examine my dog's stool, her usual times are between 6:00 and 6:30 am, 8:00 to 9:00 pm, and anytime inbetween.  You're more than welcome to do self examinations, however at your own expense.
    More to come...

    Oh I can't wait!! :D
  • Oh, I've been sooo waiting for the "next season suggestion" post!!!


    1. July 6th, Greg stepped on my toe during table change, this caused me much discomfort, and I lost the match.  Solution: personal injuries should have a penalty.
    2. July 20th, Allan had bad breath, and I had to spend the entire first half facing left. Solution: toothpaste should be provided and any player can call "BRUSH!" on any offending player.
    3. August 24th, RJ (AJ's dog) ate 2 green chips from my stack, and no one believed me.  Solution: dog's stool should be examined after each game.

    More to come...


    Open New E-mail

    To: Allen


  • Now for my most controversial suggestion.  When I think of Tournament of Champions , I think everyone in the game is a prior champ.  So how about making the qualifying rule for the TOC that all entrants must have won a regular season event?

    Yes this sucks for those who "tried their best, and had fun", but I'm not going to go there.  An added extra spin to this, to still keep everyone interested, is that only 50% of the prize pool be paid out to the contestants, and 50% be paid out to the non-qualifiers who correctly select which Champ will win the TOC.
  • Jeff, when I get home tonight I will address ALL your issues one at a time, primarily because you deserve an answer, and secondly, well because I'm going to need that much time to try to figure out EXACTLY how your brain is's sooooooo different from everyone else's.
  • Now for my most controversial suggestion.  When I think of Tournament of Champions , I think everyone in the game is a prior champ.  So how about making the qualifying rule for the TOC that all entrants must have won a regular season event?

    Yes this sucks for those who "tried their best, and had fun", but I'm not going to go there.  An added extra spin to this, to still keep everyone interested, is that only 50% of the prize pool be paid out to the contestants, and 50% be paid out to the non-qualifiers who correctly select which Champ will win the TOC.

    Yeah but this season it would Eleanor and 3 other people
  • Ok, short of putting a contract out on EL, there must be a way for some of the rest of us (or me) to have a shot at being champ.  The point structure is great, but it still favors the most winningest player (I know winingest isn’t a word), which could lead to more double crowns. I suggest keeping the points structure but mixing in some wildcard points, that have nothing to do with ranking.

    The following are only suggestions:

    Nice hand points
    25pts for best bad beat of the game.
    25pts for toughest laydown (ie folding JJ pre-flop)
    30pts for quads
    50pts for straight flush
    100pts for royal
    20pts for getting your Aces cracked
    25pts for cracking Aces.
    -25pts for any champ who subsequently chumps.

    Style points
    5pts for calling blind
    7pts for blind straddle
    1pt best chip trick
    10pts for raising with any two non face cards (Oh wait a minute, that would mean Joe would run away with the title)
    25pts for summoning cards (Derek will never get this)
    -1pt any shame fold
    Etc. etc.

    I realize this can get real complicated real quick.  In order not to over tax AJ with all the point calculations, I will volunteer to be wild card points tabulator.

    Some good points, some.... well, idiotic! 25 points for cracking aces! What? Overall, I don't mind the idea of additional points, but you're points seem a wee bit on the high side if you ask me. Maybe you're a wee bit on the 'high' side. Style points.... yeah... NO. What is this, Fashion Television? 5 points for calling blind... Joe... is this you? Did you highjack Jeff's login info? I do like the idea for being rewarded for solid play though. Tough lay downs, bad beat points (If I'm not in favour of this one, who is???).

    Re: season 4 start date. I'd prefer a little time off as well. I concur with Chris about a break over Christmas and not being too close to Christmas. Oct. 19th sounds perfect to me. That's my vote!
  • We could also stretch the season, say 15 games instead of 12 and say you have to play in at least 5? This would build a bigger TOC pot. Or we could go the other way and make a season 10 games with still having to play 4?

    Just an idea.....thoughts?
  • BigChrisEl wrote:
    Now for my most controversial suggestion.  When I think of Tournament of Champions , I think everyone in the game is a prior champ.  So how about making the qualifying rule for the TOC that all entrants must have won a regular season event?

    Yes this sucks for those who "tried their best, and had fun", but I'm not going to go there.  An added extra spin to this, to still keep everyone interested, is that only 50% of the prize pool be paid out to the contestants, and 50% be paid out to the non-qualifiers who correctly select which Champ will win the TOC.

    Yeah but this season it would Eleanor and 3 other people

  • I"m in favour of delaying the start of season 4. Right now I'm so busy I won't be playing for at least 4 to 6 weeks anyways.
  • BigChrisEl wrote:
    We could also stretch the season, say 15 games instead of 12 and say you have to play in at least 5? This would build a bigger TOC pot. Or we could go the other way and make a season 10 games with still having to play 4?

    Just an idea.....thoughts?

    My vote is to start session 4 later, and take a Christmas break have some of the final games in '07 and TOC in '07.

    15 games to create a bigger TOC pot, I'd go for that to.

    Seems like the forum was broken yesterday, so I'll still wait for AJ's responses. But don't take my suggestions to seriously. I think the league structure is fine the way it is, and doesn't need any changes. Just thought I throw out some crazy ideas see what happens. Then when I think about it, the last idea about TOC qualifying rules is too drastic a change from what the league was formed under, and what we have become use too.
  • I was right in the middle of answering ALL your concerns Jeff, when the forum shut down and I lost everything :'(YOU'RE SO DAMN LUCKY TOO! :rage:

    Needless to say, I don't mind a later start to the next season, just so long as everyone is cool with it. I'll send out an email to everyone to get their views on it too (the guys/girls who don't frequent the forum anyway).

    Extending the season? Not a bad idea, again IF everyone agrees. Bigger TOC$$ for me and Justin :D

    Bonus Bonus the beginning...I actually had a plan for awarding BONUS bonus points. For quads, str flushes, royal flushes..bad beats...stuff like that. When I sent it out for review by a couple of highly regarded players, the general decision was that they weren't required and just stick to regular bonus points, which have been modified using the formula used for forum tourneys. This allowed for ALL players to acheive bonus points for ALL games played, and it seems to work out very well. What is everyone's POV on this? Should we offer BONUS bonus points? I have no problem keeping track of them, just have to augment the file a bit.

    Some great ideas so far guys (well, except for most of Jeff's that is :D ), keep them coming. Remember, this is as much YOUR league as it is mine, and it can't help but get better and better every season.

  • Extending the season?  Not a bad idea, again IF everyone agrees.  Bigger TOC$$ for me and Justin  :D

    OK ... Just for you and Justin :D

    Um I seem to recall, that there was two others who made it to the money.. I am sure marice would agree with me... And you never know I could or anyone else could take down the next TOC....

    I have to agree with extending the season.. And not starting for a few weeks after one season is over and the next to begin...
    the extra bonus points would be a good Idea as well... Specially with the El train.. would make it more interesting.. Even if it is not the EL train this time who takes down the most regular tourny's .... No could even get close to her this season.. would be more interesting if with bonus points then leader would have to really watch there back... As I see it you run everything very well AJ... Glad to be able to be a part of it...
    Hopefully, I can make it to some even if Joe cannot. when the new season begins..

    Are you ready for some more heads up against me AJ??????? :D

    Keep up the great work with this league.. It is great to be able to play,, and have fun with great people...

    See ya soon

  • Actually I think 12 games is perfect as it is exactly 3 months, I only put the idea out there for 15 games to generate some response (an good idea is still a good idea even if I don't agree with it.)
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