Season 3 ending get-together - new date

Due to the facts that a) we'll be playing Polish Poker, and the inventor of the game won't be in town this weekend, and b) that I was sick and off work this week for 3 days and have a lot of catching up to do both at work, and at home with housework, and c) I'm a little pokered-out right now....we're going to have postpone the season 3 get-together...likely just for a week or so.

I'll email out a new date/invitation to all TOC attendees shortly...


  • ElElliott wrote:

    playing Polish Poker, and the inventor of the game

    Yes, about that.  I think it's time the father of the PP publish the rules of the game, so that he may go on record and take his rightful place in history as an inventor of a poker variation.  ;)
  • ElElliott wrote:

    ....we're going to have postpone the season 3 get-together...likely just for a week or so.

    I'll email out a new date/invitation to all TOC attendees shortly...

    Sounds like a plan to me. And of course, Derek will be around to learn us the finer points of Polish Poker...hey, ACDC, maybe you can learn something new too?? :D

    Keep us posted of the new date El, I'm sure we will all be there.
  • Email has been sent.

    I didn't have everyone's I've asked a few of you to pass it on :)
  • My email address is or

    I dont know if i will be able to make it now that it is changed .. but I will try .. I am sure JOe will go..But he would have to behave himself because he will have to drive ... lol...

    Please send us the information.. Thanks
  • The Official Polish Poker Rules:

    The only time in which you can play Polish Poker is after a pre-flop fold. You cannot place any bets if you choose to play Polish Poker.

    If you choose to play, place 1/2 a bet (equal to the SB) on your folded cards. This shows intent to play. If the blinds are raised and they choose to play Polish Poker but fold to the raiser, they will have to forfeit their blinds and then place another 1/2 a bet on their fold. No person, Polish or not, can be a part of the Polish Poker game if they placed any bet at any point during the hand.

    The 5 cards are dealt, and then after the Hold'em players are finished, the Polish Poker players reveal their hand. Best hand wins the 1/2 bets from each player involved.

    One thing I am considering, is a 1 time only raise on the flop to complete the 1/2 bet to a full bet. If you feel you are strong, or your opponents are weak, you can complete this bet to increase the pot size, or hope for the rest of the Polacks to fold. I would like to consult with the true inspiration, 'I would have had full house Kris', for the game on his thoughts about this.

    Polish accents are optional, but recommended, when revealing your hand.

    I am open to hearing about comments on the rules if you feel they need tweaking. All rules will be set forth by the Polish Poker Board of Directors (Kris and I of course, as a Honorary Pole).

  • I would say you can only play if you fold your hand pre-flop. If you seen the flop with your hand you are out. No bets on the flop, and so on. This is strickly a pre-flop bet/game.
  • BigChrisEl wrote:
    I would say you can only play if you fold your hand pre-flop. If you seen the flop with your hand you are out. No bets on the flop, and so on. This is strickly a pre-flop bet/game.

    Chris, I suggest you re-read the first line!!
  • derksen wrote:

    One thing I am considering, is a 1 time only raise on the flop to complete the 1/2 bet to a full bet. If you feel you are strong, or your opponents are weak, you can complete this bet to increase the pot size, or hope for the rest of the Polacks to fold. I would like to consult with the true inspiration, 'I would have had full house Kris', for the game on his thoughts about this.

    Chris, I suggest you re-read the first line!!

    I mean no betting of the flop in this game.....I do not like the optional rule/suggestions
  • Thinking a little more about it, I kind of agree. The hole point of Poloish Poker was making an intelligent fold, and then realizing you would have hit your 72 boat. Kris... comments?
  • My email inbox is sadly lacking in RSVPs. :'(

    Sept 30th - 8pm....will Chris and I be playing Polish Poker alone?

    BTW....not sure if everyone saw Kris' email suggestion about adding shots of vodka into the mix (win a PP hat trick, take a shot). I think it sounds like an excellent addition to the rules.

    I have another question....what's the main game (since PP is the side game). If it's a tourney, I think the PP chips should be seperate (i.e. a different colour than tourney chips) and be worth either $0.50 or $1 each...that way you aren't taking your tourney chips out of play to play PP. If you run out of PP chips, you can simply buy some more. OR....we could play a cash game, and then the PP chips are just part of your buy-in. Thoughts?
  • ElElliott wrote:
    My email inbox is sadly lacking in RSVPs.  :'(

    Sorry, I'm guess I'm just not a RSVP type of guy. I will be attending.

    vodka shots? ok

    As for different colour side game chips. Well I'm no PP expert, but I'd like to see how it goes with using the tourney chips. Keeps the PP aspect more tied to the tourny itself, and as the anties go up, it actually becomes big decision whether to enter into PP or not. So you can have a big laydown, and also a big PP laydown.

    main game? Chaos (still need those 10 sided dice), Ohmaha, or NL doesn't matter to me.

  • main game? Chaos (still need those 10 sided dice), Ohmaha, or NL doesn't matter to me.

    Stud or Razz.....yeah!
  • Sorry El, work has been nightmarish this week.

    I WILL be attending.

    Rather have Rum though over vodka...I'll bring my own if need be...good, dark, sweet, warming, Newfie Screech Rum!!! :D

    I think Joe said he was picking up the dice for Chaos Poker. As far as different chip colours go for Polish Poker, I can bring my 500pc set, it's different.
  • I'm in. Vodka. Ok. Oh and the main game.... OMAHA BABY!
  • I'm not sure if we should combine Chaos and Polish Poker - I think it will get too confusing, and PP won't get the attention it deserves.

    I like just a straight NL game (toruney/cash whatever) with PP being the new element in the mix.
  • Im in for sure, but steve is out of town that weekend so he wont be attending. I like the idea of keeping the pp in the tourney because it adds a new element as apposed to just a side bet. Also I am up for a good game of Razz or Omaha, personally I would like to work on my games outside of holdem.

    As far as it goes with the vodka, it only makes sense that we have that with Polish poker.
  • JHJ wrote:
    As far as it goes with the vodka, it only makes sense that we have that with Polish poker.

    WIMPS!! :rage: You lot can't handle the SCREECH!!!! :D

    Okay, okay, vodka it is...and I've been practising my Omaha game too, so I'm good with that.
  • STR82ACE wrote:

    ...and I've been practising my Omaha game too, so I'm good with that.

    So Stud it is.......
  • BigChrisEl wrote:
    So Stud it is....... that FEAR I smell, Chris?
  • Kewl I like stud.... Anytime any place stud is good game...
  • STR82ACE wrote: that FEAR I smell, Chris?

    I mean anyone can play Omaha but it takes a real man to be a STUD player
  • Maybe we could play a mixed game? i.e. a round each of Stud, Omaha & NL (I'm sure there's a catchy acronym for what I'm talking about ala HORSE, but I don't know what it is...SON? :D)
  • It occured to me last night that Polish Poker definitely won't work with Stud.

    I'm going to make a final call and say that we'll play a regular NL tourney with Polish Poker. Buy-in preference? It's supposed to be a fun casual game to end the how does $20 sound. Higher, lower?
  • Works for me. $20 games sound fun with PP.
  • I'm in for $20 games, that should be fun.

    Lets try that Polish Poker and after a few runs at it we will see if ppl like it or not but we will definitely play.

  • I've sent out an email, but figured, what the here too.

    Hi everyone.

    So is everyone bored yet? I know BusDriver is...Thursdays are just not the same without Ching Hill Poker is it? Oh well, soon, Jeff, soon.

    This is to remind you all that the Season 3 ending BASH is being hosted by the Elliotts on Saturday Sept 30 starting around 8pm. There will be low buyin tourney games, most likely some 7Stud and Omaha, as well as the now infamous Polish Poker!! Should be a great time.

    If you're interested in coming out, please let the Elliotts know before Saturday so that they have enough time to prepare their home for the drunken horde of degenerates that we are! They aren't even asking us to bring anything along...aint' that sweet??

    Also, just a reminder that Season 4 will start on Thursday Oct 19, 8pm. I will of course send out the usual reminders.

  • I'm sure by now you know I'm in.... how could I miss the first ever game of polish poker?
  • Sorry guys but I will have to bail on you... :'( I don't want to but I have to...
    You all have fun this saturday, I'll see you in two weeks.


    I expect Derek to be the Polish Poker Champ....
  • I will be there, but steve wont be able to make it.

    See you saturday
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