Great Job Sandro!!

Just wanted to publicly say, on the forum, that the ryder cup went off without a hitch (that i saw). The orginizing of sandro and the team captains made the even run extreemly smoothly, and Nadine (the chick sitting with the computer inputing our scores and putting up wtih all of us asking for updates every 5 seconds) did a great job keeping score!

Congrats to the top 3 (or 4...) teams...and i have to say, this thing was SO close this year, the difference between 4th and 6th was less than 10 points!!!!! wild! I think that says a lot about the calibure of poker played in this area, and how tough a competition the ryder cup is!!

Once again, great job sandro, I can't wait for the next one!!

Mark P

btw....great fold on those JJ wolfhound! :)


  • Thanks Sandro and all his helpers.. I dont know everyones name who helped pull off this years rydercup... So I wont even try to get all the names in...

    Was a great day all around... Everyone seemed to have enjoyed themselves.. I know I did...

    To everyone at the 7 card stud game I was in with.. great game everyone.. And thanks for puttin up with my pushing about antes.. With that game being so confusing with antes and blinds ... I was really suprised when i took it down..

    I look forward to the next ryder cup...

    Great job everyone...



    Special thanks to Nadine (computer girl...) You sat there all day... behind the computer.. You were very helpful to everyone...
  • I just want to say thank you to Sandro and Miranda for putting together a great day of poker. The organization of this tournament was great and went without a hitch. I really enjoy playing in events that you run ,as I know they are going to be top notch. Great job with your team as weell, even though you fell a little short. Can't wait for the next one!!

  • Couldn't say it any better than has already been said, but the Rocks say it again...

    Great Job Sandro!!

    Kinda sorry we weren't quite as competative this time, made a bit of a run at heads up taking 5 of the 7 matches we played but still well short. Good job all round and a nice venue as well.......  We'll be back!

    And thanks to Brent and Cam of Westside for the use of chips and cards, setup, etc...... nice to see..
  • Great job Sandro and Miranda....

    And congratulations on any other things that may have been of some significance in the past few days <wink wink>

  • I echo everything above. Great job, great day, many thanks!
  • Thanks to the organizers and volunteers. Great tournament.

    Thanks to the Rocks for having me on their team. Sorry my results were so poor. I'd love to say I was unlucky but really I was completely outplayed in every freaking game. Something to work on for sure.

    Thanks to the Westside boys for helping out. Esp Brent for dealing the cash game afterwards.

    And a special thanks to Cory for being such a donk and making it a ton of laughs. You'll always be my LB. And to the guy that let me in the locked parking garage. Oh ya, and to that hooker on King Street. A great day, all in all.
  • Great job Sandro and Miranda and everyone else involved. We were about as competitive as the rocks were. We should have had a side pool on the least competitive.... LOL

    And greg, what were ya doing with the hooker on King street?
  • Everyone involved in the Ryder this time around deserves all the praise you get, and more.

    Great job everyone.

    See everyone in February!
  • Now that I have almost sobered up...

    Congrats to Sandro and Miranda and all the team Captains. That was an amazing day of poker.
    Congrats to whoever won it as well.
  • AcidJoe wrote:
    And greg, what were ya doing with the hooker on King street?   
    You know the routine, Joe. "What happens in Kitchener stays in Kitchener."
  • I agree, this was well run and fun to play in. Good Job!!!!!!
  • Great job and loads of fun.

  • Thanks Sandro, Miranda, Nadine, and ALL the team captains.

    WELL DONE!!!
  • Thanks Sandro, Miranda, Nadine (aka computer girl with 10 rowdy drunks over her shoulder telling her what buttons to push).

    From what I saw, everybody had a great time, and those that didn't went outside, had a smoke, and walked it off. :D
  • I agree, the event was fantastic. Very well run and well organized. It was great to see some new and old faces. One guy (Ken) actually came down from Windsor to play in this, now that's commitment!

    Thanks to everyone for all their hard work to pull this off. Thanks to Cory for his "acquired taste" sense of humour :D

  • Huge Kudos to Sandro, Miranda and everyone who made this day a really fun, challenging day of poker.
  • I thinks it's fair to say this was an enormous success, kudos to the team of people who organized it you all did a fantastic job!!!!!

    To my team I say thanks for including me and congrats to all of us, we improved a lot over last event and will be even better in the next. Wolff, nice job on being the overall points winner....a very hard thing to accomplish and you deserve congratulations. It is very difficult to have 4 solid finishes over such a long day of poker!

    At least for a while Kit II can say they're the best team in Kitchener!!!!! Woot Woot!
  • Big E wrote:
    I thinks it's fair to say this was an enormous success, kudos to the team of people who organized it you all did a fantastic job!!!!!

    To my team I say thanks for including me and congrats to all of us, we improved a lot over last event and will be even better in the next. Wolff, nice job on being the overall points winner....a very hard thing to accomplish and you deserve congratulations. It is very difficult to have 4 solid finishes over such a long day of poker!

    At least for a while Kit II can say they're the best team in Kitchener!!!!! Woot Woot!
    Ya but the Lunatic Fringe is the best in Kitchener/Waterloo/Cambridge/Brantford........ :D

  • On behalf of Kitchener II, thanks to everyone involved in making this event a success.  We started 20 minutes late and still were finished by midnight.  I think the level of poker played is a true testament of the love for  poker that the members of this forum have and it truly makes for an exciting and great day!!!

    I want to thank the guys at the from the venue for providing us the place to play.  It was very spacious and air-conditioned.  As side from the parking issues, I think we have found a home for the future Royal Cups.

    Prophet :2h :2s
  • I want to thank the guys at the from the venue for providing us the place to play. It was very spacious and air-conditioned. As side from the parking issues, I think we have found a home for the future Royal Cups.

    I totallly agree. They put up with a lot of excitment all day, always with a smile!

    Thank You, Undisclosed Event Venue!!! :D
  • Aesome job again by everyone that helped run this thing. It was a lot of fun as always.
  • This was a fantastic tournament, and I had a lot of fun. Much thanks to Sandro, Miranda & Nadine and all of the organizers as well as the undisclosed venue for running a great event.

  • Hobbes wrote:
    Ya but the Lunatic Fringe is the best in Kitchener/Waterloo/Cambridge/Brantford........ :D


    touche Hobbes, touche...but congratz on a fantastic showing, the Lunatics definitely had an impressive showing!
  • Big E wrote:
    Hobbes wrote:
    Ya but the Lunatic Fringe is the best in Kitchener/Waterloo/Cambridge/Brantford........ :D


    touche Hobbes, touche...but congratz on a fantastic showing, the Lunatics definitely had an impressive showing!

    Thanks again to SAndro and Miranda and all who helped out.. If I have read right I understand that something very awsome is going to be happening in Sandro and Miranda's lifes soon... Congrats on whatever it is.. If it is what I think it is... I hope you will have the time to be able to do this all over again next time around.

    As for the Lunatic Fringe being the best in Kitchener/Waterloo/Cambridge/Brantford and Bradford and barrie area .. I just had to add that since myself and KRT are from here :) .... We sure did have a very impressive showing since some people not all thought we would not even get close the placing.. Guess we showed them.. It was a great day everyone seemed to have fun.. Looking forward to the next one..
  • :as :ad :ac :ah

    Great job done by all! This thing just keeps getting better!! :D:D
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