Who was that drunk A-hole who won MVP for the day?!?!?!  That's BULL!!!!!!   ;)

Cheers Wolff... i luv ya man



  • Congrats Dave

    Nicely done for the drunk guy :)

    We luv ya man!!!!
  • Congrats to the Wolfhound for taking down top honours. At least that honour stays with K-W.

    :as :ah
  • And I think he even out-table posed me.


    Wolff's the man!

  • Congrats Wolff - but someone should call him tomorrow to let him know in case he doesn't remember tonight ;)
  • ya wolffy (2 f's and i know what they stand for...) you da man. i had the distinct thrill of dealing your massive victory in the nl portion. i have to admit i have never seen anyone leave the table during their big blind when it is down to 3 players to buy a beer. or get up and talk to friends for several hands. amazing table tilting strategy. VGG.

    i'd like zithal to post his analysis on the hand he raised, you pushed and he folded. very interesting.
  • Congrat's wolff, was a great day and an even better one for you.
  • Who were the other top scorers? I know that Terry from my team had 43 points.
  • Thanks boys and girls.

    Tight it right.
  • I think the MVP sHould go to the beer. Molson EX for MVP!

    After all, it was the beer that let him relax and play his EH game! 8)
  • Attaboy, Wolffy!
  • Congrats Wolffy,

    I think you embodied the whole purpose of the Ryder’s Cup. Meet up with some of the greatest players this forum has to offer, play your ass off, and most importantly have fun.

    I don’t think Wolffy even cared about the points, because near the end of the night I came up to him and told him he hand the MVP, and he didn’t believe me. :D

    P.S. I also would be interested in seeing a full list (or top 10) of the individual point scores.
  • I had 15 points.  Does that make the top 10?   :D

    Congrats Wolffhound!

    On another note regarding the two f's in wolffhound, quote from a song...

    "I told her affection had two f's, especially when dealing with me"

    Great tune.

  • Congrats WolFF, fantastic job winning top points overall and the side bet from team Kit II, had we placed in the top three though we would have been able to completely cover your bar tab! :D (kidding! I don't care what anyone says, beer or no beer you have to play very well to take overall points bro!!! That bluff on the king high flushing board was fan-fucking-tastic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

    p.s. Did I mention the ride home was $80? I'll get that from you later.
  • Sitting between Dave playing Rob heads up and Cory playing Ron on the next table was definitely one of the highlights of my day. The trash talking was hilarious. Congrats Dave!
  • Wolff, I have said it before and I will say it again "I hate playing against the drunk, cause somehow they always seem to win."  Just glad you were on my team.  In professional sports some coaches have rules before the big game like no sex, no partying, and a curfew, let alone during during the match.  Think I should try that for our team next year?

    Just my way of having a little fun with ya!!

    Thanks to all the team for having me as your captain, why when I play like $#%* at these things.  I am honoured to call you friends before I call you teammates.

    Dead Money, thanks for making the trip yesterday.  I know you are disappointed with the results.  But those things happen.  We appreciate that you came here with such short notice and I hope to see you again in February.

    A special thanks to my brother for the sacrifices he made to get here yesterday after his daughter's accident on Friday.  I can only imagine how hard it is to leave home for the day with a sick little girl.  Your commitment to your team was truly appreciated.

    Thanks to everyone on the team for your efforts, we definately improved over last year and they say
    'three times is a charm."  And you are all so charming (in a manly sort of way).

    Prophet :2h :2s
  • Congrats Wolf.........

    U made yesterday all the more fun....u are one funny guy :)

    Hope you didnt feel to ruff today

  • Congrats Wolf....

    YOU did make the day very.. laughable..
    I will always look forward to seeing you at any other games..

    Thanks for making the day....
  • :as :ad :ac :ah

    Congrats Wolff!! MVP!! :D (isn't there a drunken smiley face somewhere that we can use in our posts?)

    After busting Brent on the first hand of the $10 sng, I'm assuming the MVP took it down!?!
  • KRT wrote:
    After busting Brent on the first hand of the $10 sng, I'm assuming the MVP took it down!?!

    That was too funny, sorry Brent but you had to know when the turn came a 3 the river would bring an 8!

    Unfortunately Wolff couldn't sustain his domination, the rocks wore us down and I believe Larry went headsup against another rock and took it down and Jeff took 3rd.
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