Justin's Reign as TOC Champ


FINALLY!! Someone MORE deserving of the title has claimed it. Someone who has fought long and hard, agonzing over every single hand the whole season, only to witness his talents go to waste from suckout after suckout. A person who, in my humble opinion, deserves it more than anyone else!!

The NEW TOC CHAMP is.........AJ!!

Yes, I took it down last night!! I finally got some luck on my side and pulled off my victory, but it wasn't easy. It took a few suckouts to do it, but I was owed BIG TIME!!

Last hand of the night, it's me and Amiee headsup. I have a fairly good chip lead, and we had been tossing the blinds back and forth for about 10mins. Amiee gets pocket 7's in the small blind. I look down to see pocket Kings, and insta call. Amiee got no help, and I win Season 3 TOC!!! Great game Amiee, you had me worried a couple of times during the final 5 of us.

Marci takes down third place. Great showing Marci. Obviously, River Jacks LIKE you very much.

Justin DID take fourth place though, and Jeff was bubble boy.

Actual payouts were also amended. Must be a forumla error in my spreadsheet. 20 players at $120 each = pot size of $2400, not $2000. The actual payouts were:

First Place: AJ $1237.50
Second Place: Amiee $618.75
Third Place: Marci $371.25 (Marci, I owe you $1.25..dont' worry, I'm good for it)
Fourth Place: Justin $247.50

Great game everyone, and thanks ever so much for participating in the regular season as well as the TOC.

See the Ryder Team on Saturday!!! Let's take it down!!!

(Eleanor, I hope you're feeling better soon)


  • Congrats AJ.....good game
  • Good one AJ. Thought you had it. In fact, I told the woman you were gonna take it down as I left.
  • Good game AJ,

    You showed your full spectrum of talent last night. A little bit of aggressive play, a pinch of tightness, and a dash of suckout. :D
  • and a dash of suckout.  :D

    Dude, I got so FRIGGIN lucky a couple of times, it isn't funny. But luck is all apart of it too, right? Just glad it was on MY side last night for a change.
  • derksen wrote:
    In fact, I told the woman you were gonna take it down as I left.

    Wish you hadn't done that...now she's talking about a damn dryer again :rage:
  • STR82ACE wrote:
    derksen wrote:
    In fact, I told the woman you were gonna take it down as I left.

    Wish you hadn't done that...now she's talking about a damn dryer again  :rage:

    I meant my woman. She asked who won, and I said, "nobody yet, but most likely AJ". How's that for support!
  • Yea, she told me she wanted a dryer too...something about horse back riding gear?? :D

    Thanks for your support Derek, appreciate the confidence.
  • STR82ACE wrote:
    Thanks for your support Derek,

    Thanks Derek!??!

    You forget who shuffled up those Kings for you, at the same giving Amiee sevens. That's gratitude for ya, what's next, you'll be suing WPT for using your likeness?
  • STR82ACE wrote:
    Thanks for your support Derek,

    Thanks Derek!??!

    You forget who shuffled up those Kings for you, at the same giving Amiee sevens.  That's gratitude for ya, what's next, you'll be suing WPT for using your likeness?

    Cough... cough... sore loser... cough... cough...
  • derksen wrote:
    STR82ACE wrote:
    Thanks for your support Derek,

    Thanks Derek!??!

    You forget who shuffled up those Kings for you, at the same giving Amiee sevens.  That's gratitude for ya, what's next, you'll be suing WPT for using your likeness?

    Cough... cough... sore loser... cough... cough...

    It's Bubble Boy envy.
  • Congrats AJ and to all the money finishers! Who took out Justin??

    And a big thank you to everyone for making every Thursday night a fun, competitive, challenging game!
  • ElElliott wrote:
    Congrats AJ and to all the money finishers! Who took out Justin??

    And a big thank you to everyone for making every Thursday night a fun, competitive, challenging game!

    AJ pretty much took out the entire final 5 :'(
  • Oh yea, forgot to mention that.

    I took BOTH bounties! :D Well, since I was the one who put it on Justin's head, I guess I can only say that I SAVED $10, but it's still worth it.

    Great game to everyone!! And once again, thanks for making Season 3 the best yet. Frankly, I can't wait for the next season! It just keeps getting better and better.
  • Hey now

    FOr the first tiem to finish in the money and none the less 2nd sheesh ..... AJ just got luckie with his kk... Since he would not call any other all in i did... And I was pretty much having to double up a few times to even with him... SO i was an underdog going into heads up with him... Great Game.. and Grangrates to everyone who finished in the money.. And to everyone else who played last night...

    AJ WERE ARE THE PICS>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

    Season 3 TOC CHAMP!!! Yours truly :D

    At special request, Season 3 TOC 1st Runner Up...

    Season 3 TOC CHUMP...all that effort pregame to ensure you make the game too.....awww, that's too bad.
  • I was eliminated by AJ.  The hand went like this.  I was in the big blind for $600 and he was on the button.  I had about 3500 in chips total.  Aj raised to 1200 doubling my big blind and I flat called.  I had 8 :s: 9 :s: and AJ had J :d: J :h:  The flop came down 8 :h: 9 :h: 10 :s: I checked and AJ pushed me for the rest of my chips which I called.  Knowing the winner of this hand was in contention for the win.  AJ having an open ended straight ment nothing.  Turn was A :h: and river was K :h: Giving AJ a flush over my two pair.  In the end at least my chips were used wisely.  Great game AJ really well played! 
  • Thanks Justin. Seeing that hand over again, I wouldn't have changed a thing, except maybe put you all in preflop. Just glad it worked out in MY favour this time.
  • STR82ACE wrote:
    and a dash of suckout.  :D

    Dude, I got so FRIGGIN lucky a couple of times, it isn't funny.  But luck is all apart of it too, right?  Just glad it was on MY side last night for a change.

    Ya you got lucky I"m glad you didn't waste my chips when I got all in ahead of you. Thanx for a great season, I enjoyed it very much. I know season 4 is starting up quick but I will be on a poker break for a bit I may join you mid season. GG AJ
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