Bristol St. Classic XXVII - Results!

With Sepember in full swing, the race for Player of Year is in full swing coming down the home stretch. Bristol Street XXVII brought out most of the top contenders to this year's title. Would one of them be able to rise to the top, or would an unknown take down the title and thrust himself into the spotlight of the Top 10?

Just 36 minutes into the event, "Shtebs" Steve became the first casualty of the 30 players signed up and many more would fall by the wayside as we approached our final table.

Returning from a long absence, "Corpse" Chris Klien, Bristol Street II champion, fell from the field in 10th place and our Final Table was formed.


Seat 1: "compuease" Jeff ($8,400)
Seat 2: "Zithal" Rob ($6,800)
Seat 3: "sstar" Sean ($11,200)
Seat 4: "E" Elliot ($21,800)
Seat 5: "moose" Rob ($20,900)
Seat 6: "Dr" Larry ($9,100)
Seat 7: "8Ball" Tye ($13,800)
Seat 8: "liquidfire" Andrew ($28,300)
Seat 9: "Flint Bones" Andrew ($2,800)

9th Place: "Dr" Larry - 11:29pm

With blinds starting at 400-800 (100) for a few minutes, it didn't take long for Andrew to make a quick double up and get back into the match. Blinds quickly grew to 600-1,200 (200) and "Dr" Larry's 77 ran into "E"'s 88. No help made the one of the two Milton Rock's the first casualty of the final table. This was Larry's second tournament of 2006, repeating his 9th place finish at Bristol Street XXIII

8th Place: "Flint Bones" Andrew - 11:35

A few minutes later, "moose" Rob raised to 4,000 and Andrew called his last 3,400 into the pot with everyone else getting out of the way. Andrew's AQ looked good until Rob rolled over AK. An Ace on the river was no help to Andrew as he ended his day in 8th position. This year, Andrew scored a second place finish at Bristol Street XII, and recently finished 8th at Jour de Poker 4.

7th Place: "Zithal" Rob L - 11:41

Blinds rose to 800-1,600 (200) and Rob continued his short-stacked approach to this tournament. (In fact, only on first two hands of the tournament and the hand before the final table did Rob have more chips that he started with) Folded to him on the button, Rob pushed his last 3,500 into the pot with AJ and Elliot made the easy call with KT. The J on the flop looked great to Rob, but the river completed "E"'s gutshot straight and Rob exited the game in 7th place, assuming his proper role of recording the final table, not playing it. :) This is Rob's second final table of 2006, tieing his previous best of a 7th place finish at Bristol Street XXIII.

6th Place: "liquidfire" Andrew - 12:04 (BUBBLE-BOY)

As the blinds rose to 1,000-2,000 (300) our initial chip leader found his stack dwindling every rotation. In one of the more bizarre hands ever at Bristol Street, action was folded around to Tye in the small blinds who completed, and Ian checked his option. The flop came Q34 and Tye lead into the pot of 5,800 with a bet of 4,500. Andrew pushed his 9,500 into the pot and Tye faced a call of 4,000 into a pot of 14,800. Tye made the call and turned over T6 for ten high. Andrew sheepishly rolled over 67 for the now dominated 7 high. The 8 and 4 on the last two streets and a pot of nearly 20,000 was pushed to Tye with his ten high, eliminating Andrew from the game. Craziness!! This was Andrew's second appearance at Bristol Street and his first final table. Not only did Andrew win the distinction of being BUBBLE-BOY, he won it after being eliminated by ten-high. :)

5th Place: "compuease" Jeff - 12:10am ($30)

Hovering low for the final table, Jeff finally made his last stand with J2, raising to 7,000 in late position. "E"(?I think?) call him with A4 and the flop of KK4, put Jeff behind. A 2 on the turn gave Jeff a few more outs, but the river bricked and Jeff was out in 5th place. This was Jeff's first final table and cash in three appearances. Congrats on the great game!

4th Place: "moose" Rob - 12:20am ($60)

With four players left the tournament we had two players in contention for Player of Year; Rob and Tye, with two other players just beginning to earn thier points. As the blinds chimed to increase to the next level, Tye raised to $5,000, and "moose" pushed all-in, only to run into Tye's KK. No help put "moose" out in 4th place, increasing Tye's stack. "moose" Rob is the Bristol street XXVI Champion and came into the tournament 3rd in the Player of the Year race. This was Rob's third final table of the year.

3rd Place: "sstar" Sean - 12:39am ($90)

In the previous hand to this elimination, Sean found himself all-in with A6c, covering Tye who held KQs. The flop helped no one, but Tye caught running spades to cripple Sean. His final chips when into the next hand, but his 92 didn't improve against Tye's A8 and Sean was out in 3rd place. This was Sean's first Bristol Street of 2006, and finished an excellent 3rd place. With his elimination we were now...


"8Ball" Tye - $64,000
"E" Elliot - $49,000

With the championship and a nice chunk of change on the line, Heads-up action lasted one hand with these aggressive players. Tye, in the small blind, call the extra 2,000, and "E" made it 20,000 more to go. Tye pushed all-in, committing "E" to the hand who turned over K4o against Tye's 66. The flop came AJ3 and a 5 on the turn gave Elliot a gutshot for the double-up. This final time, the miracle did not come and "E" was out in second place for $150.

Earning the title of Bristol Street XXVII Champion, Tye earned $270 for his 1st place finish and now joins an elite club of two other players ("Big Daddy" Paul, and "Slippery" Pete) as two-time Bristol Street Champions. With his second 1st place in the same season, and a potentially high finish to the Heads-up Champions, Tye now sit firmly a top of the Player of the Year standings and has become the Player to beat for the homestretch of the 2006 seaons. Congrats on a stellar year so far!!!



    1st: "8Ball" Tye Z. - 12:44am ($270) - 55 points
    2nd: "E" Elliot - 12:44am ($150) - 39 points
    3rd: "sstar" Sean - 12:39 ($90) - 32 points
    4th: "moose" Rob - 12:20am ($60) - 27 points
    5th: "compuease" Jeff - 12:10am ($30) - 24 points
    6th: "liquidfire" Andrew - 12:04am (BUBBLE-BOY) - 22 points
    7th: "Zithal" Rob - 11:41pm - 21 points
    8th: "Flint Bones" Andrew - 11:35pm - 19 points
    9th: "Dr" Larry - 11:29pm - 18 points
    10th: "Corpse" Chris - 11:02pm - 17 points
    11th: "Lamb Of" John - 10:32pm - 17 points
    12th: "beanie42" Trevor - 10:29pm - 16 points
    13th: "PokerQueen" Mandy - 10:05pm - 15 points
    14th: "WPT" Steve - 10:02pm - 15 points
    15th: "Pinhead" Brad - 10:00pm - 14 points
    16th: "Ranger" Mike - 10:00pm - 14 points
    17th: "morty" Sean - 9:46pm - 13 points
    18th: "King Mob" Dave K - 9:43pm - 13 points
    19th: "g2" Greg - 9:41pm - 13 points
    20th: "DataMn" Al - 9:32pm - 12 points
    21st: "JohnnieH" Johnnie H - 8:50pm - 12 points
    22nd: "Brava" Dave S - 8:42pm - 12 points
    23rd: "Bellzy" Brian - 8:42pm - 11 points
    24th: "Prophet 22" Brent - 8:36pm - 11 points
    25th: "Metro" Tom - 8:35pm - 11 points
    26th: "Slippery" Pete - 8:34pm - 11 points
    27th: "Oragami" Jonathan - 8:13pm - 11 points
    28th: "westside" Wes - 7:57pm - 10 points
    29th: "2BULLETS" Jeremy - 7:53pm - 10 points
    30th: "Shetbs" Steve - 7:36pm - 10 points
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