Bounty for the Train

In good fun I would like to put a bounty on our double champion. I will give $10 to the person who knocks out El from the TOC on Thursday. Not that we wont all be gunning for her anyway, but I thought this might make it more fun as it tends to be a bit of a tradition at the TOC.

Good Luck to all on Thursday.


  • JHJ wrote:
    In good fun I would like to put a bounty on our double champion.  I will give $10 to the person who knocks out El from the TOC on Thursday.  Not that we wont all be gunning for her anyway, but I thought this might make it more fun as it tends to be a bit of a tradition at the TOC.

    Good Luck to all on Thursday.

    Does any one else see the irony that the two time TOC winner is putting a bounty on the Season 3 winner?
  • I most CERTAINLY do!!

    $10 on Justin's head too!!!
  • hmm

    you know what I am planning on trying to get to AJ's for around 10:30 or 11:00 tonight to see the outcome of the TOC.

    So I will add $20 to the bounty, all I ask is that maybe AJ could spot me the $20 if The EL TRAIN goes out before I get there

    If this a doesn't work let me know, but I definately want to put a bounty on the EL TRAIN.
  • In all seriousness I think there should be no bounties unless every one puts up $10 and has a bounty on themselves.
  • BigChrisEl wrote:
    In all seriousness I think there should be no bounties unless every one puts up $10 and has a bounty on themselves.

    Nah, that would vanilla-ize the whole meaning of bounty. A bounty is a sign of fear and respect. It says, you are a force to be reckon with, and no one person alone can handle you. Much the same as a player being double teamed in basketball, or double covered in football.

    More bounties? Yes, but not on yourself. We should each direct one to the person we feel is the biggest threat to us.

    That being said, how come no one has put a bounty on ME!? :D

  • Nah, that would vanilla-ize  the whole meaning of bounty.  A bounty is a sign of fear and respect.  It says, you are a force to be reckon with, and no one person alone can handle you.  Much the same as a player being double teamed in basketball, or double covered in football.

    More bounties?  Yes, but not on yourself.  We should each direct one to the person we feel is the biggest threat to us.

    That being said, how come no one has put a bounty on ME!?  :D

    We play a whole season with out any bounties, suddenly we change the game format at the end?

    That does not represent the season , why not have re-buys for the TOC or make the game pot-limit then?
  • Ahhh....and so it begins.

    Get your cash ready early boys...based on my TOC track record you'll be handing out the cash before 9:00.
  • There is no FORMAL ruling on Bounties of the league. That being said, though, it has been 'customary' that the Point and Money Leader of past seasons put up bounties on themselves, at their discretion. Eleanor elected not to do so this season, however, I do remember her saying that if anyone wanted to put up a bounty on her with their own money, they were welcome to.

    Therefore, the $10 bounty Justin made on Eleanor will stand for tonights game.

    And because Justin was the cocky little bugger who tried to switch our focus from playing against him as two time TOC champion, I thought it would be just reward to put some pressure on him, therefore I place a $10 bounty on his head.

    That bounty will ALSO stand. Nice try Justin, but you are NOT going to win this one by deflecting attention.

    Steve, although your offer of an additional bounty is intriguing, to be fair, it should only be the players IN the game that are placing bounties on other players IN the game. I'm inclined to not allow your offer at this time, unless you have a offline sidebet with someone, that's your own call.

    Jeff, the reason no one has placed a bounty on YOUR ass is...well...quite one is afraid of you :D

    Chris, I hear what you're saying, however past TOC's have allowed for bounties, and although not written up in the rules, I personally don't mind adding them to the game for some additional fun. This in no way will mean we will allow them at ALL games, and the format of ALL games will remain the same (mostly because rebuys are from hell, but that's another subject line altogether).

    Now saying that, I would like to ask that the bounty issue for tonight's game be closed. Unless someone else has a compelling argument, no further bounties will be honoured tonight.

  • STR82ACE wrote:

    Steve, although your offer of an additional bounty is intriguing, to be fair, it should only be the players IN the game that are placing bounties on other players IN the game. I'm inclined to not allow your offer at this time, unless you have a offline sidebet with someone, that's your own call.

    That is understandable, I am still going to try and stop by when I am done work to see how the TOC is going, if That is ok??
  • I don't have an issue with it, railbirds are welcome. Mind you, the snacks will be gone by then I imagine :D
  • Maybe the beer won't ...... I've going on a pace of 3 beers every 16 minutes right now.......
  • AcidJoe wrote:
    Maybe the beer won't ...... I've going on a pace of 3 beers every 16 minutes right now.......

    Therefore, if Joe says he has a pair, chances are it's because he's seeing double!! :D

    Oh, BTW, wifey has just informed me that anyone bringing EXPENSIVE DECADENT CHOCOLATE DESSERTS will be tonights winner!! At least in HER point of view anyway :D
  • How much do i get for the chocolate
  • Talk to the wife...I'm on a diet of CHIPS only! :D
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