Stud Game Dealing

vote for the way you want to play


  • I believe you always to deal to the left. The highest hand showing acts first on each street though.

    Edit: OK I saw the other thread. Since we're self dealing the puck is naturally moving anyways so might as well do it just like PokerStars, always deal to the left. High hand showing acts first on each street is the important part.
  • As long as it's the same on every table I could care less but always dealing to the left would definitely keep the pace moving better and is the easier option.
  • I've always played it left of the dealer. But it doesn't matter to me, I'm playing Omaha anyway.

  • Sandro;

    Your the boss, you make the call. Everybody will listen to your rules.. If not, kick them out... lol
  • I echo sir watts, not that I care since I'm not playing stud. But to keep it simple and uniform deal to the left of the dealer.
  • I prefer it being dealt to high card as they are the ones acting first would be more annoying to be dealt to first, but potentially act last..i dunno....
    that's just my opinion, but that's the only way i've ever palyed stud (person with high hand is dealt first and action first)
    and really, dealing to the left of the dealer compared to dealing to the high hand doesn't really change the difficulty...we all know that a pair is better than high card, etc etc etc...
    and i AM playing stud! ;)
  • Quiane wrote:
    I prefer it being dealt to high card as they are the ones acting first would be more annoying to be dealt to first, but potentially act last..i dunno....
    that's just my opinion, but that's the only way i've ever palyed stud (person with high hand is dealt first and action first)
    and really, dealing to the left of the dealer compared to dealing to the high hand doesn't really change the difficulty...we all know that a pair is better than high card, etc etc etc...
    and i AM playing stud! ;)
    Just because the person had the high hand in the previous round of betting does not mean they will have the high hand for the next round of betting, so I do not see how your argument is relative.

  • Quiane wrote:
    I prefer it being dealt to high card as they are the ones acting first would be more annoying to be dealt to first, but potentially act last..i dunno....
    that's just my opinion, but that's the only way i've ever palyed stud (person with high hand is dealt first and action first)
    and really, dealing to the left of the dealer compared to dealing to the high hand doesn't really change the difficulty...we all know that a pair is better than high card, etc etc etc...
    and i AM playing stud! ;)

    The problem dealing with the high hand is that this can be very difficult for the person dealing if they are still involved in the hand. Usually it is not a problem once the dealer is out or if there is a dealer for the table.
  • KISS - Deal to left.
  • KISS - Deal to left.

    Well according to the vote. It is dealing to the left for Saturday.
    Maybe because I was used to dealing to the high card and never played dealing to the left but I found that much more confusing last night.
    Regardless we will be dealing to the left on Saturday. Also we worked 2 decks really well for this event and had it running very systematically so as mentioned before 2 decks will be used for Omaha and Stud due to blind time decrease.

  • hell, have 2 decks for ALL tables ALL games. It certainly makes it go quicker, and you get alot more hands in as well.
  • yeah, it worked so well that i might impliment it into our regular games as well...basically you only shuffle after you deal....the person who deals after you gets the fresh deck and you shuffle the cards you just dealt out to's really nice being handed a fresh deck to deal out, and not really a pain in the ass to shuffle after you have dealt... :)
    just my two cents...
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