The Lunatic Fringe

Hey Gang, I hope you like our name. If anyone has a better suggestion, I'm open to them.

The Lunitic Fringe

1.2BULLETS - Jeremy
2.ZITHAL - Rob
3.HADDON - Josh
4.FOLDED - Cory
5.HOBBES - Ron
6.KRT - Keven
8.GTA POKER - Dave


Here is the information I have so far,

Registration is from 10:00 - 11:00

It would be good if everyone showed up at 10:00, to go over any final details. Remember each person will need to bring $50 each with them. It is imperative that you bring this with you.

From the posts I have read so far, it looks like these are the games people would like to play:

Dave - Omaha
Ron - Omaha
Josh - Omaha
Aimee - Stud
Cory - Stud
Rob - Stud
Jeremy - Stud/ Omaha
Keven - ?

Please email me at to find out the location of the event, if you don't already know.

:as :ah


  • Hey Jeremy,

    Sandro wants to keep the location off the forum after the problems we ran into with the last event
    I'd suggest either pms or email to get that out to your team


    Edit: ty Wes...way to actually do something as a mod :)
  • :as :ad :ac :ah

    I would like to play PLO(for The Lunatic Fringe?) Thanks.
  • I vote for "BBC Collects Stamps",

    Man, 10am to START a poker session, ungodly.
  • GTA Poker wrote:
    Man, 10am to START a poker session, ungodly. a musician or something?? :D
  • KRT wrote:
    The Lunatic Fringe

    I like that one.


  • I will start a poll for our team name. I have only received 3 suggestions, so if there are anymore let me know.

    :as :ah
  • 'BBC Collects Stamps' is SUCH an awesome name.

    How about...
    'Six Nine in the Right Position'
    we call our team a first Robert.
  • UM Guys

    Is Haddon even gonna make it back here... And Is Manda going to be there just in case this guy does not show up...

    Jus wondering after reading the wheres Haddon post ....

  • Josh says he will be here, so let's take him at his word. If for some reason he can't get back, Mandy will be able to play(she is my fiance). NO WORRIES :D

    :as :ah
  • I have to be back in Canada for bigger things than the RC, so yes, I will be back.
  • Now with Haddon out.. Is Mandy or Tyson playing with us???
  • I didn't reiceive anything saying he was out, why do you think he is?

    :as :ah
  • 2BULLETS wrote:
    I didn't reiceive anything saying he was out, why do you think he is?

    :as :ah

    see of topic section "where is Haddon"
  • Darn Imagine that... Why does this not suprise me at all....
  • Darn Imagine that... Why does this not suprise me at all....

    Uh oh, watch out Aimee. Haddon might tear a strip off of you. See "Where's Haddon" thread. Gl to your team this weekend. Mandy is a nice addition.

  • oh.... Just giving all the post he has made about getting back ... I didnt figure he would ... I said if from the get go.. But nobody wanted to listen to me.. after all i am only a girl.. and what do I know...

    Important thing is we have a team.. And I will be enjoying playing tomorrow..
  • GREAT JOB TO MY TEAM MATES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Well Guys and Girls.... We placed 2nd out of alot of very good players.....
    It was lots of fun to play with everyone...

    I hope we will stay together for the next ryder cup...

    My most memoriable moment was when Rob and JOe and myself were coming back from the supper break.. Walk innocently to the store to get water smokes,, And Jeremy drives by with Mandy... And yells at me...

    Aimeeeeeeeeeeeeee were you going get back there we start in 5 minutes... Ok for one thing ROb was there too ... sheesh I felt like I was a little kid getting caught at doing sumtin wrong... I was only going to the store... I was not leaving my team honest oh fearless leader...

    Great Job Jeremy for being our captin.. I think you match us all up very well... Thanks to Mandy and Jen for being out last minute players when two people backed out with in the last 48 hours before the ryder cup...

    For those who didnt play with us ... OH WELL.... sorry about your luck....

    Luv ya you all man!! Till next ryder cup... Ill be there...
  • Great job gang.
    For a team that was being dismissed by a lot of other, we did ourselves proud.

    Big thanks to Jeremy for putting up with all the BS.

  • GREAT JOB GUYS!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I had an awesome time..and I hope our team stays together for the next one.....

    Sorry, i suck at omaha....:(................Yes Cory I know its all my fault we didnt win....;)

  • GREAT JOB GUYS!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I had an awesome time..and I hope our team stays together for the next one.....

    Sorry, i suck at omaha....:(................Yes Cory I know its all my fault we didnt win....;)


    No, not at all.  We did pretty good I thought.  Our demise was my pocket  :kd :kh vs pocket   :ac :as in my heads up match.  Needless to say, I got all my chips in and so did he. He had me covered by a little and I didn't catch a K or a four card flush, and I lost!!!!  Unfortunately, if I win that match, we WIN.   :'( :'(

    Oh well, I had a blast with our team and I hope we can do it again
  • Great JOb!! TEam

    I did post my thanks somewhere else.. But Thanks to Jeremy for being our leader.. You placed us all very well, for this event..

    It is really no ones fault that we lost,,, I could have done better in my limit holdem and no limit holdem ... Just seemed I couldnt get my aces or my queens to hold up... in the limit i couldnt get any of the good hands I did have to hold up.. I will try to do a better job with that next time around...

    IT was a very fun but long day.. Had a blast..
  • :as :ad :ac :ah

    Fantastic job Lunatics!!

    Great team to be a part of - Mandy and Jen more than filled the shoes of our dropouts!

    Thanks to Jeremy for all the hard work - see, hard work pays off!!

    RC III is ours!!!
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