Team Rosters



  • Sorry Brent, meant to message you on that.

    I'll have to take a look over the email when I get home tonight and start populating with our members.

    If you plan on going online for a captains discussion via messenger on Thursday though, I'm OUT. Sorry, big game, maybe you've heard of it??
  • Pinhead wrote:
    If everybody could just reply to the "Table Assignment" thread in the format I used
    eg "Stud #1 - Player Name"

    I will do my best to update the initial post as often as I can but I don't have the priveledge of internet
    access at work so be patient

    I have access and will update it throughout the day and state where I have updated too so that Captains can place people as they can. I have updated until my picks this AM which are 2nd players on tables following Shannons picks. Brad I will leave you to update the revisions after 5 PM.

    Thanks boys

    Just a clarification

    Each table will be placed from top to bottom. This will also be the seating arrangement for each table with High card being the button the day of the Royal. I would like the SNGs placed for Friday so I can print some lists for everyone so they can get to their table easily. The Headsup portion will be picked the day of.

    Place you players as fast as you can so we can keep this process running.
  • I see no placements thus far from Lunatics, Ching Hill the Rocks and Blondefish.

    Blondefish you mentioned to me you don't care if we just randomly input your team? Let me know if that still holds and then I will input them for you. using Tournament director.
  • I've added the first group of players to the forum, Sandro. Think that's all I can do until others start to fill it in more.
  • It's updated. I think Max didnt need to be placed yet but i put him in as you said.
  • No worries, keep him there.

    Possible to spread the table columns out a bit more? Don't know about the others, but I'm finding it difficult to locate my team positions.
  • I know I am leaving spaces when updating but it seems to merge them close together. I sent it via email to help people track it also I hope that helps for now. Maybe Brad can find a way to spread them out.
  • It doesn't actually put more than one space in the posts no matter how many you leave so I'm putting in a sequence of -'s to make it all line up
  • Captains, please note late change to Milton Rocks roster, Dave D out, Tony in...
  • Alright Captain Rock. Seems like 6 of the captains have started making picks,
    but we need some Milton and GTA picks soon
  • Blondefish mentioned he will be placing a few tonight. So hopefully that is soon.
  • Hopefully
    I know I pick right after Milton in a few games so I'll check back later and hopefully
    make some picks when I get home tonight :)
  • I've added some more from Ching Hill just now as well, fills in some blanks.

    I'll look again later this afternoon.

  • If everyone can get their last picks in Friday we will be all set and have table lists ready to go. It is shaping up to be a good day.
  • Thursday night 8pm, I have yet to receive word of time, location, etc...if I don't hear by midnight tonight I will have to back out and make other plans. PLease email me the details.
  • PM SENT!

    if you want to be awesome, forward that to the rest of your team in case they're still in the dark too
  • Made a mistake on the Omaha tables, I had one of my players on both Tables 3 and 4. Can you please change Table 4 from Derek to Eleanor? My bad.

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