
someone please let me know how to upload pictures to the forum posts.
ive seen it done but have no clue what to do.


  • I think the pics have to be hosted already by another site. Like something already appearing on the web.

    Then you copy the location of said image - right click on it, click on "properties" and then copy the URL. Then just paste the URL between ........

    That should do it.

  • Thanks for the help, i understand posting links to pictures, but i have seen posts on here that have pictures loaded into the text, that you can see without clicking on anything extra.
    Any idea?
  • Ya, that is what I just explained. As long as you put the url between the and the tags, the pics will appear in the text and not the link to the pics, as I have done above with Phil Ivey.

    Try it out dude, copy this url and put it between the should do what you want...
  • 421996_f.jpg

  • are they your own pics or are they already on the web? If they are pics that you've taken, you can either send them to me, or get a free image hosting account at a place like
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