RC 2 - Team Waterloo

Since nobody seems to be replying to the other thread, if any of the other Waterloo poker regulars are looking for a spot,
post here or PM me to get on the 'waiting list'

My preference is still to go with the defending team, but if we have any players drop out I'd like to fill the spots with more
of the KW regulars since I know a few of you didn't get to play last time (of course this would change if Waterloo forms a 2nd team)

The Team (confirmed in bold)



  • Yeah I'm in.
  • Pinhead, it isn't looking like there is interest in another team...at least not concrete interest.
    Can you PM or email me by like the 6th if you need me?
  • I'll be in. Probably be back in Loo early next week, so perhaps we could get some practices in?
  • Sweet looks like we're going to have almost the same team. Are you moving back to the same palce Xuan? I'm over in those townhouses now too.
  • where the hell is kyle, he better have a good excuse
  • haddon wrote:
    Pinhead, it isn't looking like there is interest in another team...at least not concrete interest.
    Can you PM or email me by like the 6th if you need me?
    If I know by then, I'll let you know. As of tonight though, it looks like there is more interest in the other team again.

    I believe Kyle is back up north so he can't check the forum. If anybody knows another way to contact him let me know,
    but I know he said before the summer that if RC 2 was during the school year he'd be in for sure. I'd like to keep as much
    of the team together as possible, but if I don't hear next week we'll have to open up the spot.
    Hopefully by then we'll know what is happening with the possible 8th team
  • xx23 wrote:
    I'll be in. Probably be back in Loo early next week, so perhaps we could get some practices in?

    I'm not able to make it up to Waterloo in the next couple weeks other than for Greg's tourney
    on the 10th, but if anybody wants to set up a meeting/practice game that would be great.
    One thing I'd like to do this time is discuss more strategy for how to handle each event, and as
    we're trying to get the players placed before the actualy date of the event, if you have anybody
    you would like to face, or avoid, please try to let me know as soon as possible.
  • I talked to Kyle today he's definitely in.
  • yeah i'm definately in... i was at camp all summer with no internet access and no time to access the internet anyway
  • who's Dave?
  • SirWatts wrote:
    Sweet looks like we're going to have almost the same team. Are you moving back to the same palce Xuan? I'm over in those townhouses now too.

    i'm on erb this year just west of westmount... pretty close to there
  • i was wondering if anyone would be able to pick me up on their way?
  • I'll need a ride too of course. Elliot said he will be in town near both of us, not sure what Pinhead is planning. One of them will get us though.
  • specialK wrote:
    yeah i'm definately in... i was at camp all summer with no internet access and no time to access the internet anyway
    next year ask your mom to send you to computer camp. just had to say it...
  • specialK wrote:
    i was wondering if anyone would be able to pick me up on their way?
    SirWatts wrote:
    I'll need a ride too of course. Elliot said he will be in town near both of us, not sure what Pinhead is planning. One of them will get us though.

    ill be at my friends place in waterloo sat morning and can pick u guys up. just PM your addresses & phone numbers.
  • E wrote:
    who's Dave?

    Xuan's boyfriend's name is Dave so, if I'm not mistaken, it's that Dave. Beware, he's a terror at the Limit tables.

  • pkrfce9 wrote:
    specialK wrote:
    yeah i'm definately in... i was at camp all summer with no internet access and no time to access the internet anyway
    next year ask your mom to send you to computer camp. just had to say it...

    ahaha, i worked there... as a counsellor... hey counselling, maybe you should look into some of that (the real type)
  • Team breakfast just before 10 near the venue? Does that work for everybody?
    Let me know soon

  • yes, lets pick a spot and do it
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