Bristol St. presents -- "The WPT Super Satelitte" - Wed. Aug 23 (Waterloo)

The Bristol Street Nightclub and Casino presents...

No-Limit Texas Hold'em Tournament Tournament
Wednesday, August 23 - 7pm (doors open at 6:30)

$50 Buy-in - Freezeout

$$$ Pay-out (assumes 32 players)$$$
(1) entry into the Option 1/Step 2 Satellite for each $640 in the prize pool
Prize of less than $640 paid out to next place finisher
A "piece" of the winner will be awarded to all participants (see below)

Each player will receive 5,000 chips for their $50 buyin. The standard Bristol Street blind structure applies. You are eliminated from the tourney when you lose all your chips. The tourney will not stop, except for short breaks, until there are a number of players remaining equal to the number of super-sat entries awarded. Those players will be declared the 1st place finishers.

Late players: If you know you're going to be late, please phone and a seat and chips will be set out for you and you will post blinds and fold until you arrive. Players that are late that haven't let me know will give up their seat to the next player on the waiting list. If there's no one left on the waiting list, late players may buy into the tournament during the first level (20 minutes), but must immediately post the big and small blind if the blinds have passed them.

Waiting List players: Players on the waiting list may enter the tournament as an alternate whenever a player busts out, up until the end of the first break (5 levels).

The tournament will last approximately 5-6 hours. Seating is limited to 32 players with alternates. (8 max tables) The final table will form with 9 players left. Please reserve your seat in advance!!

A Share of the Action: All participants not winning a seat into the WPT Satelitte will recieve a share of the action of the winner(s). This share will total roughly 20-25% and your individual share depends on where you finished this tournament. For example, assuming two seats are awarded...
1st-2nd: Seat in the WPT Satellite + 5% share of other winner(s)
3rd: Remaining cash + 3% share of the winners
4th: 2.5% share
5th: 2% share
6th: 1.75% share
7th: 1.5% share
8th: 1.25% share
9th: 1% share
10th-12th: 0.75% share
13th-16th: 0.5% share
17th-24th: 0.25% share
25th-last place: 0.10% share

(note: If only one seat is awarded, 3rd becomes 2nd, 4th becomes 3rd, etc., and 8th and 9th both pay 1%. If there are multiple winners, they make make there own deal on trading action. A recommended deal is trading 5% with the other winners.)

Awarding shares is just another way to promote the community spirit aspect of playing at Bristol Street. If this is something you'd rather not do, then please don't take part.

The winner(s) will, of course, be required to regail us with their tales from the Satellite and Main Event in the form of a trip report. :)

This tournament will not be played for Player of the Year points. As always, tournaments at Bristol Street are rake-free
BOYB, BYOsnacks


  • Reserve List

    1. "Zithal" Rob L
    2. "Ranger" Mike
    3. "PokerQueenie" Mandy
    4. "2BULLETS" Jeremy
    5. "JohnnieH" Johnnie H
    6. "ItsaMe" Mario
    7. "stpboy" Shannon
    8. "compuease" Jeff (late)
    10. Steve W
    11. "Dr" Larry (late)
    12. "BlondFish"
    13. "AcidJoe" Joe
    14. "King Mob" Dave (late)
    15. "DataMn" Al
    16. "Slippery"Pete A
    18. "8Ball" Tye
    19. "Ignance" Jon
    20. "King Mob" Dave
    21. "Shtebs" Steve
    22. Jon L
    23. TJ S
    24. "8Ball+1" Rick
    25. "QTJen" Jen
    26. Gary A
    27. Gary A's brother
    28. Neil M
  • Count me in!
  • Hey Rob.........

    Could u add Jeremy and I ?


  • Sounds great Rob, count me in!!!
  • This is a tough decision with consideration to the "Curse of Bristol" - I am gauranteed to be out before the first collapse...

    May I see some stats on this?
  • count me in.
  • I am supposed to play on the 23rd at a WPT semi-final qualifying tournament, :'( but since I have already qualified for their grand championship for a WPT seat, I will play in this Bristol event instead.

    What about a $60 buy-in so that there will be three $640 seats awarded ($60 * 32 / 640 = 3)?  Ideally, the two or three winners will agree to play in the same Step 2 satellite on a Friday with the hopes of at least one of them placing in the top 3 to win a prize.  For example, if all 3 end up in the top 3, then all the Bristol players will still have a stake in the $10,300, $1,200 and $640 seats.
    Zithal wrote:
    $50 Buy-in - Freezeout
       $$$ Pay-out (assumes 32 players)$$$
       (1) entry into the Option 1/Step 2 Satellite for each $640 in the prize pool
       Prize of less than $640 paid out to next place finisher
  • For now add me Rob, and I'll have to confirm closer to the actual date.
  •      Save me a seat Rob.

         Dave Kostis.
  • BlondeFish wrote:
    I am supposed to play on the 23rd at a WPT semi-final qualifying tournament, :'( but since I have already qualified for their grand championship for a WPT seat, I will play in this Bristol event instead.

    What about a $60 buy-in so that there will be three $640 seats awarded ($60 * 32 / 640 = 3)? Ideally, the two or three winners will agree to play in the same Step 2 satellite on a Friday with the hopes of at least one them placing in the top 3 to win a prize. For example, if all 3 end up in the top 3, then all the Bristol players will still have a stake in the $10,300, $1,200 and $640 seats.
    Zithal wrote:
    $50 Buy-in - Freezeout

    $$$ Pay-out (assumes 32 players)$$$
    (1) entry into the Option 1/Step 2 Satellite for each $640 in the prize pool
    Prize of less than $640 paid out to next place finisher

    If there's enough interest, I'll likely open up the garage table to accomidate 40 players. If we do that and fill, we'll have 3 players.
  • Hi Rob,

    Sign me up!

  • Hi Rob, any plans to have another similar tournament at a later date on a weekend?

  • pokerJAH wrote:
    Hi Rob, any plans to have another similar tournament at a later date on a weekend?


    Unfortunately, unlikely. All my Saturday's until the end of Sept. are spoken for. Perhaps early October if there's interest, but it might be cutting it close.
  • Can you add me Rob, I'm not 100% sure yet but I will be next week...with how fast your events fill up I didn't want to miss a seat. I won't leave you hanging past next week.
  • Hey Rob...

         I have a question about the prize payout structure. In particular with the awarding of "shares" of the winner's (or winners') future WPT payout.
         Why do the prize winners (1st and 2nd place) not receive a share of each other?
         It would seem odd to me if, for example, the person in 1st place at our satellite missed the money at the WPT (winning $0.00), while our 2nd place finisher goes on to win the WPT event (lets say a record breaking $100 000 000.00) and even the worse position player of the satellite shares the wealth ($100 000.00 for 25th!).
         The actual amount of the prize pool isn't really the point, it's that winning a seat through the satellite gives you one chance to hit the money at WPT (admittedly the Lion's share) and not winning a seat gives you two opportunities.

              Dave Kostis.
  • Good point big Dave. I'm sure Zithal will see the err of his ways.

  • King Mob wrote:
    Hey Rob...

    I have a question about the prize payout structure. In particular with the awarding of "shares" of the winner's (or winners') future WPT payout.
    Why do the prize winners (1st and 2nd place) not receive a share of each other?
    It would seem odd to me if, for example, the person in 1st place at our satellite missed the money at the WPT (winning $0.00), while our 2nd place finisher goes on to win the WPT event (lets say a record breaking $100 000 000.00) and even the worse position player of the satellite shares the wealth ($100 000.00 for 25th!).
    The actual amount of the prize pool isn't really the point, it's that winning a seat through the satellite gives you one chance to hit the money at WPT (admittedly the Lion's share) and not winning a seat gives you two opportunities.

    Dave Kostis.

    (note: If only one seat is awarded, 3rd becomes 2nd, 4th becomes 3rd, etc., and 8th and 9th both pay 1%. If there are multiple winners, they make make there own deal on trading action. A recommended deal is trading 5% with the other winners.)

    I think they should which is why I mentioned my suggested 5% action from each other. I left it up to the multiple winner(s) to determine how much they want to give of each other, but I could make it manditory. Thoughts?

  • Mandatory 5% with an option to increase that between the two winners.

  • Sounds reasonable. Will there be a maximum limit put on the amount given back to the participants? For example, if one of the Bristol winners manages to beat the odds and win the $640 satellite then win $12,000 in the main event, that person will have to give up ~25% or $3,000 back to the particpants. But what if let's say stpboy becomes the North American champion and wins the $1 million grand prize? Would it be fair for stpboy to give a whopping $250,000 of his well-deserved money away?
    stpboy wrote:
    Mandatory 5% with an option to increase that between the two winners.
  • BlondeFish wrote:
    Would it be fair for stpboy to give a whopping $250,000 of his well-deserved money away?
    That's what swapping points is about. It's not "I'll give you a % unless I do really good, then I'll just give you a little". You get x% whether that's on $0 or $10 million.
  • Gotta miss this event Rob, hopefully I'll make the next one!
  • BlondeFish wrote:
    Sounds reasonable. Will there be a maximum limit put on the amount given back to the participants? For example, if one of the Bristol winners manages to beat the odds and win the $640 satellite then win $12,000 in the main event, that person will have to give up ~25% or $3,000 back to the particpants. But what if let's say stpboy becomes the North American champion and wins the $1 million grand prize? Would it be fair for stpboy to give a whopping $250,000 of his well-deserved money away?
    stpboy wrote:
    Mandatory 5% with an option to increase that between the two winners.

    Absolutely, because stpboy agreed to play in a tournament where shares of the winner were being awarded to the other players. No one was forcing him to play in this tournament.
  • BlondeFish wrote:
      But what if let's say stpboy becomes the North American champion and wins the $1 million grand prize? 

    I really like where you're going with this....

  • I agree with Shannon and Rob, the % shouldn't vary no matter how much the winnings, and I also thing a minumum 5% share between the winners of the seats, more is fine but on individual arrangement. Now I hate to bring up a tough point but if someone actually does go on to win a large amount how do we enforce the sharing? Not that I really think anyone in our group would really renege but lots of money does strange things to people.
  • Just like the smart lottery pool organizers for Saturday's $42 million Lotto 6/49 jackpot, we can have a simple written agreement listing the names and contact information of the participants. Pools that won without a written agreement have lead to disagreements and lawsuits. Just like Zithal's video waiver, the participants can fill out and sign the agreement so that there will be no misunderstanding and all the participants will get any money won.

    Ideally, the Bristol satellite winners should go together with at least one non-winning participant for both support and to witness the Fallsview satellite outcome. For example, I will probably get staked to play in one $640 satellite :) but I am willing to use my own bankroll for an extra shot, so the sponsor will go with me to witness if I win that specific satellite as opposed to me winning a satellite through Bristol or my own buy-in.
    compuease wrote:
    Now I hate to bring up a tough point but if someone actually does go on to win a large amount how do we enforce the sharing? Not that I really think anyone in our group would really renege but lots of money does strange things to people.
  • Count Me in!

  • (note: If only one seat is awarded, 3rd becomes 2nd, 4th becomes 3rd, etc., and 8th and 9th both pay 1%.  If there are multiple winners, they make make there own deal on trading action. A recommended deal is trading 5% with the other winners.)

    Sorry Rob, I didn't see this note before you pointed it out. I like the 5% (minimum) share you have added.
    Addressing a couple of points of concern...
    ...Please remember that share percentages that are fair at low rewards are fair at all reward amounts. A change of scale in the amount won does not change share (the portion of the prize you receive) equity (fairness). Scale changes the value of all portions equally for better or worse..If it helps, think of the satellite prize for first or second place as being the groups WPT representative plus 75% of the winnings you generate for the group.You're not giving away a portion of your winnings as that portion was never yours to begin with.
    ...This forum alone could be used to protect the interest of all satellite partners.It clearly sets out the terms of the tournament and would be sufficient in a civil suit (if 100 million dollar champion STP tries to screw us).An easy way to ensure that everyone's shares are protected would be to have a sign out sheet for players as they bust out.It would list in order of satellite placing,your share percentage,name and signature.

    Dave Kostis.
  • compuease wrote:
    I agree with Shannon and Rob, the % shouldn't vary no matter how much the winnings, and I also thing a minumum 5% share between the winners of the seats, more is fine but on individual arrangement. Now I hate to bring up a tough point but if someone actually does go on to win a large amount how do we enforce the sharing? Not that I really think anyone in our group would really renege but lots of money does strange things to people.

    It's ok Jeff if I go on to win, I'll just forget about ya. I think most people that play at bristol aren't too worried about the integrety of the person they have a share in. But for $10 million come see me at the airport for your share :).
  • AcidJoe wrote:
    compuease wrote:
    I agree with Shannon and Rob, the % shouldn't vary no matter how much the winnings, and I also thing a minumum 5% share between the winners of the seats, more is fine but on individual arrangement. Now I hate to bring up a tough point but if someone actually does go on to win a large amount how do we enforce the sharing? Not that I really think anyone in our group would really renege but lots of money does strange things to people.

    It's ok Jeff if I go on to win, I'll just forget about ya.  I think most people that play at bristol aren't too worried about the integrety of the person they have a share in.  But for $10 million come see me at the airport for your share :). 

    Don't know Joe, looks like some of the others have already awarded Shannon 1st place, now WE may have something to say about that! In any case I'll be at the airport ahead of you, jets idling, luggage packed, lots of women on either arm........ ah it's nice to dream.
    In any case I'll let you win this one, I had a good start at Ranger Mikes in Elmira last night so we may go heads up for that WPT title at Fallsview.
  • Ummm, I hate to be anal, but I just has a thought.

    If 32 people play the tournament, the total percentage of shares would be 25.8%. (If I've done my math good.)

    I love the idea of shares!

    Now for the anal part ... are the percentages paid Before or After taxes?

    Let's use the "stpboy wins $1,000,000".

    1,000,000 x 0.258 = 258,000 total shares

    I think Ontario taxes charge Casino earnings at a rate of 30%. (It might be more, but I highly doubt it is less.)

    1,000,000 x 0.3 = 300,000 income tax

    Now stpboy would be paying $558,000 in shares and taxes, keeping $542,000 for himself.

    That is a honk-wad of money, but he should not bear the burden of the taxes alone.  Without his long hours at the table, no one else would get a pay-day.

    Thus I would recommend the shares be passed After taxes, or at least based on the after-tax value. (If stpboy wants to run to South America without paying the taxes, that's his trip.)

    Just my thoughts (maybe it's the phospho-soda talking)...

    Anyone else?

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